How to write a essay conclusion
Animal Persuasive Essay Topics
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Health Law and Ehtics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Wellbeing Law and Ehtics - Assignment Example To encourage and look at morals in nursing and the wellbeing business everywhere, this paper will briefly will talk about the profound beginnings of medicinal services moral solid conduct. It likewise looks to break down a portion of the moral issues in human services among them, refusal to mind, value, independence, non-male-ficence and equity (Lo, 2013). Moral dynamic is pivotal in the social insurance industry with regards to tending to issues, clashes and vulnerabilities concerning contradicting qualities, for example, individual, authoritative, proficient and collective qualities. The capacity to impact choices on tolerant consideration generally relies upon the moral rules gave. To maintain a strategic distance from moral situations, there ought to be plainly spelt methodology and rules planned for supporting moral dynamic (Krueger and Stein, 2010). There are various critical difficulties confronting medicinal services associations among them rising open desires, developing monetary weights, wellbeing of patients, issues of value improvement, mergers and solidifications, social insurance change among others. These variables have set medicinal services firms under much pressure and weight. They have additionally strengthened moral concerns and clashes. These difficulties call for moral dynamic by the gatherings in question (Curtin, 2011). Morals is a critical field to an organization’s crucial well as towards accomplishing the primary objective. Human services administrators and chiefs ought to show the criticalness of moral principles in their own activities just as searching for methods of incorporating moral practices inside a hierarchical culture. A human services association ought to make a moral domain by (Krueger and Stein, 2010): The capacity of an association to understand its maximum capacity inside the commercial center will to a great extent rely upon information, inspiration, aptitudes just as moral qualities and
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Dissertation Abstracts - Helpful Tips for Writing Abstracts
Dissertation Abstracts - Helpful Tips for Writing AbstractsDissertation Abstracts is the first stage of submitting the dissertation. It is the point at which a student submits the relevant information for the review board before the dissertation is actually submitted to the dean. A thesis, on the other hand, is the final part of the submission process, at which time the student officially declares that the dissertation has been completed and that he or she has acquired a certain degree or can't be trusted with the actual dissertation.Abstracts are similar to reviews in some ways. The main difference is that a review process helps you get more details about a topic that you need help with and this is what a dissertation is all about, anyway. Nevertheless, it is a very important step when it comes to the final step of submission, which is the dissertation. Therefore, abstracts help by providing the reviewer with a description of your knowledge in order to help them to judge your knowle dge level as well as your capability to succeed in the end.Dissertation Abstracts is not one hundred percent useful to reviewers and still requires some work on your part. One of the best things about abstracts is that they have the potential to be taken out by a committee. Reviewers have a large amount of time and are used to spending it on abstracts. It is important that you have enough time and research in order to get your abstract read thoroughly by those who will eventually read it.Another thing that you should do is to take your time and work on it properly. If you are a busy student with a lot on your plate, you may find that it will be difficult to do a good job. There are a lot of people who submit dissertation abstracts to more than one editor. This makes it harder to see the essay properly.Another thing that you can do to make your abstracts better is to see how much effort the reviewers put into reading them. Usually, the reviewer will spend a lot of time on each and ev ery paper before making up his or her mind as to whether or not to give it a recommendation. In some cases, you can even get the opinion of one or two other students as to whether or not they thought the Abstract was a good example of a dissertation. This is an effective way to get feedback on your work.It is also important to look at the quality of the work to make sure that it is relevant and comprehensible to a lot of different people. For example, when a reviewer is not satisfied with your research, you should have your abstract reviewed by another individual or a committee.You should keep your abstract short, straightforward, and detailed. One of the best things to do is to go back and look at your abstract as a whole because it can be very important to remember the information contained within it.Writing an abstract can be somewhat time consuming. If you are a busy student, make sure that you can do it because having a good abstract is just as important as having a good writte n dissertation. If you can get help from others, such as a tutor, then that would be great because you are saving time and will be able to save money.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Essay on Imperialism in the Late 1800s and Early 1900s
Imperialism Unit Essay Imperialism is the policy of extending the role of authority of a nation over a foreign country, usually in material gain. In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the United States went through an era of imperialism. At the time, the US was quite powerful, but was looking to continue to spread their territory, make themselves even stronger, and have multiple trade routes to have all the resources they needed and wanted. There were three major policies that the US used during this era. One policy is the Big Stick Diplomacy. The president at the time was Roosevelt and was striving to take control over other territories. His famous quote related to this policy is â€Å"Speak softly and carry the big stick†. What†¦show more content†¦This would increase trade, which gives us more money, which gives up more power. Cuba is near Florida and we already had business associations with them. Also, the Spanish were trying to take over them. We were against the Spanish and we didn’t want them to expand so this lead to the Spanish- American War. This war also is fought over the Philippines. We ended up winning the war. We felt Cuba could expand and also maintain the business we already had. Also, if we go to when the Cold War was occurring, we were threatened that Cuba would join the USSR and become communists. The reason we wanted Panama was simply for the Panama Canal. We wanted the Panama Canal since it was a faster route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean so this would fasten the process of trade which means more business would be occurring so this would give us more wealth and power. Essentially, the US wanted to get more land so it would in the long run give them more power and money. We needed these policies to make us successful and the result is that we did become more expanded; we got more money, and more power due to these two previous things. I feel Imperialism was a success for the US for the reasons I just stated and feel it was an intelligent decision and action for our country. Even now, we are still somewhat Imperialistic considering we’ve spread our culture all over the world and help the poor. The only disadvantage is that now we pay too much attention toShow MoreRelatedAmerican Imperialism Essay examples2429 Words  | 10 Pagesforay into imperialism represented a â€Å"great aberration†from typical American isolationism. A third school led by Julius Pratt, applied Social Darwinism to the country – stating that a combination of religious and humanitarian components motivated expansionism. The first school, however, most adequately articulated the nature of American imperialism. Acquisitions in both the Atlantic and Pacific were motivated by economic and business interests. During the late 1800s and the early 1900s, the UnitedRead MoreImperialism: the White Mans Burden890 Words  | 4 PagesImperialism: The White Mans Burden and the The Real White Mans Burden Well in order to show how imperialism was used in the nature of those two poems, I have to define it. Imperialism is the extension of sovereignty or control by one people or state over another. The objective is the exploitation of the controlled people or state. Imperialism has four major components: economic, military (strategic), political, and humanitarian. Imperialist powers are not bound to follow the laws, internationalRead MoreTime Line 21050 Words  | 5 PagesTimeline Part II NOTE: Before starting the Timeline project please refer to the Example Timeline Matrix document. Instructions: Complete the matrix by providing the Time Period/Date(s) in column B, and the Description and Significance of the People/Event(s) to American History in column C. See complete instructions in the Syllabus for the Module 3 assignment entitled. â€Å"Timeline Part II.†NOTE: The timeline project does not need to be submitted to turnitin. NOTE: Please write your answersRead MoreImperialism Is The Conception Or Preservation Of An Unequal Economic, Cultural, And Territorial Relationship1000 Words  | 4 PagesGeography, Imperialism is the conception or preservation of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination. Imperialism is pretty much using the countries power through military force or politics. -In the late 1800 s, Spain, England, and France were the main powers. In the early 1500 s, Europeans began building their empires in the western hemisphere. However, by the 1800 s, Spain andRead MoreKing Leopold s Ghost By Adam Hochschild1036 Words  | 5 PagesThe late 1800’s marked the peak of imperialism throughout Europe, primarily Africa. 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However, by the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, United States expansionism looked abroad with new interest, because, as a rising industrial power, the U.S. needed to find foreign markets in which to sell its manufactured products and fromRead MoreThe Big Stick By William Allen Rogers1240 Words  | 5 PagesThe â€Å"Big Stick†In the first decade of the 1900’s, the United States is beginning a progressive movement and increasing involvement with foreign affairs. The president during this time Theodore Roosevelt, a republican, was one of the first modern presidents the United States had encountered and he began to not only expand the power of the presidency but also industry, business and military. This time period in the United States was know as Imperialism. Roosevelt felt like the only way to expand theRead MoreEuropean Views On Non Europeans1324 Words  | 6 PagesAs people experience events in their life, their events help shape and form their opinions, beliefs, and values. Between the 1760’s and 1910’s, when analyzed, it was shown that European’s views on non-European peoples and cultures reflected the intellectual changes of the period. Europeans learned to accept the non-Europeans mainly due to the Enlightened Absolutism that had occurred where enlightened absolute mon archs allowed freedom of speech, religious toleration, and right to hold property. SomeRead MoreCan the United States Ever Be an Isolationist Country?937 Words  | 4 Pagespowers abroad. It was not until the late 1800’s and early 1900’s that the U.S. started to gain in strength. This was the period that in American history which they tremendously expanded their influence to other, smaller, parts in the Western Hemisphere. But America was already an imperialist power beforehand, just not internationally, as evident in the Manifest Destiny where America was â€Å"chosen†to expand westward. The Spanish-American war proved to be one of the early examples of American involvementRead MoreThings Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe1253 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the late 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century, most of Africa faced a number of invasions from the British. Their culture and traditions were altered to meet the goals of Britain. Chinua Achebeâ €™s book, Things Fall Apart, is set in a Nigerian town where the British government had taken over. The main character, Okonkwo, is followed as the story progresses and shows how the new leaders were constantly battling against the indigenous people of the village. The book maps out the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nature Versus Nurture Research Essay Violent Behavior
The nature versus nurture debate is an ongoing debate among social scientists relating to whether ones personality/personal characteristics are the result of his/her inherited genetic traits or the result of environmental factors such as upbringing, social status, financial stability, and more. One of the topics that are discussed among psychologists is the study of violent behavior among people as a whole, and in particular, individuals. Social scientists try to explain why people commit acts of violence through explanation of either side of the nature or nurture schools of thought. However, the overwhelming amount of research done into the relation of violent behavior and the nature versus nurture debate indicated that nurture is the primary explanation to explaining violent behavior because violent traits are learned from adults, someone’s social upbringing is a major factor to why some people are more violent than others, and finally influences from news media, movies, and video games enhance the chance for someone to exhibit violent behavior. In conclusion, violent behavior is a complex issue without a clear explanation that is overwhelmingly supported by the nurture side of the debate. The first reason why the nurture side of the debate provides more evidence towards understanding violent behavior is due to the fact that children learn violence through parents and other adults in their life. The first way children learn is that they imitate behavior that theyShow MoreRelatedEssay On Nature Vs Nurture1950 Words  | 8 PagesNature Versus Nurture Within a Violent Adult’s Child Development A majority of adulthood can account for how an adult was as a child. During these important developmental stages humans are incredibly inclined to absorb their environment and the social norms of those surrounding them. However, nature versus nurture is the theory I which debates whether humans are more impacted by their genetics or how they were raised. I am exceptionally interested in the development of children and how their environmentRead MoreHow Do Humans Develop Over A Lifetime? Essay1173 Words  | 5 Pagesunderstaffed orphanages become cheerful when they are adopted into a socially stimulating affectionate home. To explain development, one must consider both nurture and nature. Nurture discusses the impact of the environment and how learning is based on personal experiences. While, nature discusses maturation and maturation inheritance based on biology. Nature of development refers to our biology or our DNA, which is what we are born with. ( INSERT THESIS STATEMENT) The theory of developmental psychology didRead MoreAre Criminals Born Or Made?2023 Words  | 9 Pagesword criminal is someone who commits offending behavior within society (Harrower, 2001). The crime may range from petty theft to murder. Criminals are born not made is the discussion of this essay, it will explore the theories that attempt to explain criminal behavior. Psychologists have come up with various theories and reasons as to why individuals commit crimes. These theories represent part of the classic psychological debate, nature versus nurture. Are individuals predisposed to becoming a criminalRead More Masculinity and Evolutionary Psychology Essay1836 Words  | 8 Pages When attempting to explain something as intangible and complex as human behavior it is difficult to devise experiments that lead to conclusive results. Sometimes complex problems are easier to solve when they are broken down into smaller pieces or into simpler problems that are more approachable. Using human evolution to explain human behavior is such an example. Evolutionary psychology reaches for the roots of human development when they were in their most basic stages to explainRead MoreNature Vs Nurture And Nurture1777 Words  | 8 Pagesformed and cultivated through nature or nurture. This psychological anomaly is why I am writing this paper. Ever since I have enrolled in, and taken, a psychology class during my junior year, I have questioned whether every little emotion and action is because of nature or nurture. No topic is more widely explored and researched than morality. It cannot be scientifically or psychologically proven or tested, making any claim highly controversial. This idea, of nature vs nurture, that I had previously researchedRead More Brain and Behavior of Men and Women Essay1897 Words  | 8 Pagesskewed. Why are women and men so different in their choices and behavior? The brunt of popular opinion focuses on the environmental cues that lead to our distinct behaviors. But is there also an innate biological basis to the choices and differing abilities between men and women? Cognitive functioning or brain processing differences in the two genders has been a point of interest and contention for many years. The purpose of this essay is to explore if neuroanatomical and genetic differences betweenRead MoreOverview of Neuroimagery Essay1695 Words  | 7 Pageswith the inside of the body. This type of imagery falls into two categories: Structural; this deals with the structure of the brain and aids the diagnosis of diseases (e.g. brain tumours) and Functional; this is used for neurological and cognitive research purposes, al ong with the diagnosis of metabolic diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s). Neuroimagery enables us to directly visualize the processing of information by the centres of the brain. This processing causes the involved area of theRead MoreSocialization : Explain Nature Vs Nurture Debate2070 Words  | 9 Pagestheon Burrows Sociology 27 Essay Socialization 1. DESCRIBE socialization, then EXPLAIN nature versus nurture debate. What is your position and why? What MAIN idea did each of the 6 theorists contribute to our understanding of human socialization? (You only need to give the top idea – for example: â€Å"Freud gave us a model of human personality.†) (Page #s) Socialization is the process of a person s personality throughout a lifetime viewed by experiences. Nurture VS. Nature debate how we develop ourRead Moreis poverty the main factor affect crime5090 Words  | 21 PagesIntroduction In the essay I’m going to talk about criminology and criminology is the scientific study of crime and criminals. Is one social group involved in crime more than other social groups? Crime is an unlawful act punishable by the state, harmful act or omission against the public which the state wishes to prevent and which, upon conviction is punishable by fine, imprisonment and in some countries death. No conduct constitutes a crime unless it is declared criminal in the laws of the countryRead MoreLatino History and Culture6732 Words  | 27 Pagesthe United States. Often when Latino’s migrate to the United States they stay with family or friends who have previously immigrated. Respect and Interpersonal Relationships Respect is important in Latino culture as it indicates appropriate behavior towards others based on age, gender, social and economic position and authority. Formality is seen as a sign of respect, including the use of suffixes such as Senor/ Don, Senora/ Dona. Another sign of respect in Latino culture is avoiding eye contact
The Park free essay sample
Eric de Winter Creative Writing Mr. Edmlnster Period 6 The park The crisp summer air filled the local park, the sun burning down as everyone wanted some fresh air. A young couple lounging on the fresh grass having a picnic, the Juicy aroma of sausages floated through the park. Across from the couple, parked precariously on an old patch of grass, was an ancient Ice-cream van. The old, decrepit van had been In the family for years, paint peeling, bodywork rusting, the Ice-cream van was fit for the dump. However, everyone in the local park was swarming around he Van, tired parents, bored teenagers, everyone needed a refreshment. The driver a sweaty, elderly man, looking worn and fed up, scanned the crowd, hoping for some refuge from the crowd of impatient customer. Beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, handing out melting Ice-creams as the suns fierce rays beat down on him. We will write a custom essay sample on The Park or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Close to the van was a young mother, struggling to control her two troublesome toddlers fighting with their younger sibling, sitting in a rather ornate looking stroller. Her oldest child, seemingly unaware, remained clicking away on her phone. Between he baby crying and her mother screaming, the began quickly attracting the attention of those passing by. The young mother was trying to explain to her children that she had no money for ice-cream. Tired and confused she attempted to calm down her noisy children, stopping to pick up her crying toddler who had Just fallen over, who tried to make a run for It towards the trees. A sweaty, runner, looked nervously around the park, his eyes longingly glancing towards the ice-cream Van, licking his lips, wishing he could gulp down an ice-cold can of Coke. Rather large in comparison to his personal trainer, a young, fit female. He was finding it hard to keep up, begging her to slow down. Tiredly trying to pull-up his sweat-drenched Under Armour shorts he came to a stop, collapsing right in the middle of the worn patch of grass where a group of boys were playing a rowdy game of football. Out of the usual gang playing football, one boy was already perched on a nearby bench being comforted by his concerned mother, carefully treating his rather badly scraped knee. Other players were taking a break, sitting on patches of grass licking rapidly melting ice-creams, while watching their teammates aimlessly fighting for the ball. One over-excited boy lobs the battered ball towards a passing couple, hand In hand the old couple picks up the pace, heading away from the brutal match. The old couple carries on along the path, leaning on their walking sticks for support. The old ladys dress softly flaps in the wind, exposing her swollen, pain feet covered by her sandals. Their aged faces crinkling into smiles as they watch the sunset. Their eyes wide through their magnifying-glass shaped spectacles. The local park is gradually cloaked in darkness, the park slowly clears, until all you can hear Is the gentle laughter ringing from midnight strollers. The Park By Eric-de Winter Mr. Edminster precariously on an old patch of grass, was an ancient ice-cream van. The old, decrepit van had been in the family for years, paint peeling, bodywork rusting, the ice-cream forehead, handing out melting ice-creams as the suns fierce rays beat down on him. over, who tried to make a run for it towards the trees. rapidly melting ice-creams, while watching their teammates aimlessly fghting for the ball. One over-excited boy lobs the battered ball towards a passing couple, hand in can hear is the gentle laughter ringing from midnight strollers.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Vital Signs HIV Testing and Diagnosis Among Adults †United States, 2001
The Human Immune Deficiency has continued to kill more people in the United States even when people are aware of how it’s transmitted and how it can be avoided. This report analyses a report (Satcher et. al., 2010) that was posted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Vital Signs: HIV Testing and Diagnosis Among Adults – United States, 2001-2009 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The regular test for HIV is being encouraged because recent medical reports indicate that there are many people who are infected by this virus but they are not aware. Most people ignore the evaluation process when they are not experiencing any health problems. They only get examined at a later stage when the situation has already worsened. Early discovery can prevent further spread of the virus into AIDS. The majority of people who have been tested were not willing to get exam ined hence they were tested because of other reasons such as during blood donation where it is mandatory for the donor’s blood to be examined (Taubes, 2007). CDC relied on the information provided from the survey conducted by National Health Interview between 2001 and 2009 to establish cases of early discovery of HIV. Additionally, this information was used to determine the geographical locations that had the highest infection rate. CDC also obtained information from the national HIV surveillance system which was useful in identifying the number of people who voluntarily availed themselves for the examination. The information from these findings suggest that HIV affects homosexuals than men who are have straight sexual orientation. Besides that African-Americans are more prone to this virus than other races. Urban centers were found to have the highest number of infected persons. Of late most people are being discovered early enough because most people want to know their stat us. The CDC report indicates that more men suffer from HIV than women. Rothan (2002) argues that this could be due to their polygamous nature. If HIV is discovered early the patient has higher chances of living longer than when examination has not taken place. When one knows that he/she is infected with HIV, he/she may avoid spreading the virus to uninfected persons. For instance, pregnant women are forced to take HIV evaluation because if they are infected they will extend this virus to their new born babies hence when they are found to be positive they are discouraged from breast feeding the child once it’s born. This test has led to decline in child mortality. Incase a person tests positive he/she is introduced to retroviral medicine which is meant to decline the multiplication of the virus which in return prevents the virus from advancing into AIDS.Advertising Looking for report on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the past decades many people were dying because of this disease because they could only get tested in health clinics and most people were afraid of going for the examination because they felt that they would die earlier due to stress of living with the stigma. Nowadays more people are being tested and there are few cases of people who realize they have this virus at a later stage. The major advantage of early testing is that the patient will be aware of his/her condition and thus will be able to maintain his/her health (Rothan, 2002). That’s why nowadays people who die from HIV look very healthy as opposed to earlier on when people suffering from HIV used to look very thin. In conclusion, the data collected by CDC is essential in planning for health care in areas most prone to HIV and in setting policies that can reduce the pandemic. CDC has been campaigning for early and voluntary examination in most countries from all over the world and thus more testing centers have been established. The media is also being used to sensitize people on the importance of knowing one’s status because if one is negative he/she has to retain that status because the status is not permanent. More efforts are being made towards discovering people living with HIV because those who are not aware of their status are the ones who spreads the virus unintentionally. In some states testing is done in residential areas from door to door because many people argue that they are very busy to go for the test. References Rothman, K.J. (2002). Epidemiology: An introduction. New York: Oxford University Press. Satcher, et al. (2010, December 3). â€Å"Vital Signs: HIV Testing and Diagnosis Among Adults – United States, 2001-2009†. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Retrieved from Taubes, G. (2007, September 16).†Do we really know what makes us healthy?†New York Times. Retrieved from We will write a custom report sample on Vital Signs: HIV Testing and Diagnosis Among Adults – United States, 2001-2009 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This report on Vital Signs: HIV Testing and Diagnosis Among Adults – United States, 2001-2009 was written and submitted by user Mae Lane to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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