Monday, December 30, 2019
A Legendary Woman Rosa Parks - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1760 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/03/27 Category Politics Essay Level High school Topics: Rosa Parks Essay Did you like this example? The early 1900s were a rough time for blacks in Montgomery, Alabama, and all over the world for that matter. Segregation had become a natural way of life in many states, but especially Alabama. Blacks were tormented, seperated, and always second best. Until one womans innocent soul, had finally had it. The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement was that one innocent soul. Rosa refused to give up her rightfully earned seat on the bus, because she decided she would not be pushed around and discriminated against any longer. Being a black in Montgomery, Alabama was how most experienced being mistreated on a daily basis. It was just a matter of survivalof existing from one day to the next(Abbey,2006). Yes, black and whites were segregated and they received completely different treatment compared to each other. They very rarely received any type of attention compared to white people, and they were always second best. Second to receive, second to know, and second to earn, no matter what the situation was. Even the good things in life came with a catch. They gave more than they got in return and it all went to the whites. Blacks in Rosas life time did not live a life, they survived. They earned just enough to keep from starvation, to put clothes on their backs, and to put roofs over their heads. They were trashed and shamed just because of the color of their skin. Their lives were no lives at all, they were just dead weights, that became heavier as time passed by. Yet Rosa survived, she kept up and remembere d she would one day be treated equally. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Legendary Woman Rosa Parks" essay for you Create order Rosas fire to be treated equally was sparked at a very young age. Growing up, blacks worked in fields for small amounts of pay, basically lived in shacks, ate in seperate restraunts than whites, and could never drink for the whites water fountain. She witnessed beatings of black men by the Ku Klux Klan. She witnessed buildings being set a flame, and would watch as they burned and fell to ashes. She never could sleep at night due to the fear of her own home being burnt while she was asleep. Rosa, had had enough even as a child, and she knew the difference between what she was getting and what she deserved. Rosa lived with her maternal grandparents for the majority of her life. She had a very close relationship with her grandfather, and followed in his foot steps. He encouraged her rebellion towards being treated unfairly. He taught her to stand up for herself and never let someone treat you a certain way that you know you do not deserve. He is the reason she stood up for herself that day on the bus. Rosas grandfather planted the small seed of fire in Rosas heart, which evolved into an unextinguishable flame. He was truly the rock solid foundation on which she would forever stand. As anyone could imagine one would definitely have to learn how to stand up for ones self and provide for their family if they wanted to survive. Usually if a person is very well respected by others no person would mess with the, especially when you have never caused any problems.She was probably the only person in Montgomery, Alabama that had no enemies, and that everybody respected,former U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young recalled. There had been others who had been humiliated on the buses before. She was not the first, but when she was thrown in jail it said to all of Montgomery that none of us is safe. It was the purity of her character that galvanized the movement(West,2006). Rosa was one who kept to herself most of the time so nobody really disliked her, nor did she hate anyone. She was respectful and respected, so there was really never anyone who wanted to pick fights with her. With all of this being said, when Rosa was put into jail for violating segregation rights others were very alarmed. Because if Rosa being a well respected person was so easily thrown in jail then what were the whites of Montgomery, Alabama really capable of. Rosa was a seamstress and had just finished a long day of work and was taking the bus home, which was her usual routine. As you would figure whites get the good seats at the front of the bus , while blacks had to sit in the back and sometimes stand. Well when the bus becomes full is when blacks have to stand because they are forced by the segregation laws to give their seats to the whites. Rosa had gotten the last open seat on the bus, that was until a white man loaded it. Rosa was asked by the bus driver to move, but she politefully told them that was not going to happen. She was arrested and thrown in jail, but that sparked a boycott. All throughout her lifetime Rosa was mistreated. Whether it was getting made fun of, spoken to rudely, or frowned upon it never failed. Rosas reason for not giving up her seat was not because she was worn out from work, it was because she was done being treated like she was nothing. She was done being treated like a dog, done being pushed around, done being humiliated by others, but most importantly she was done being punished for a crime of which she never committed. And what seemed to be one of the worst days of Rosa Parks life, paved the way to one of the best things that would ever happen to her. The moment in her life that Rosa worked and built up too had finally come. the Supreme Court has finally declared the segregated seating on the bus unconstitutional. By December 20th Rosa would no longer have to fight for her seat on the bus. All of her hard work and determination had finally payed off. Rosa Parks was the woman who bore the Civil Rights Movement. She pushed for her right ful place in the work everyday. She brought peaceful means between all people, and would forever be honored for her bravery. That small step she took towards equality, would lead to an eternity of freedom. When one thinks of fighting, they usually think of something violent. Throughout her life , she fought through peaceful means for the rights of all people(Abbey, 2016). Rosa Parks was a very strong and peaceful woman. All that she wanted was to be treated equally. Her entire life long and generations before her lived in a world of horror. Rosa believed everyone was good and deserved to be treated just the same, and she never resolved to violence. Rosa always wanted peace with everyone, even those who mistreated her. So she would fight but not violently, even if it meant all she could do was protest until her very last breath. Rosa not only helped others but she encouraged them. She took on being humiliated time after time during her fights to be equal, but that never stopped her. She continued on and made a good life for herself and others. Her small fragile body had become a symbol of strength, bravery, and courage. She spread her word throughout Alabama and trekked on for Civil Rig hts, and Civil Rights she got. She also encouraged others to fight for themselves and what they deserve. Because if she could make a difference then so can anyone else! The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement made a large impact on the U.S. , and is a large reason for why we are the country we are today. I mean she even inspired our former president Bill Clinton, and thats a HUGE deal. Everyday men and women work to make America a free and welcoming place. Rosa was one of those people. America is still growing and progressing today, with new people and new ideas. Rosas act of bravery on the bus that day is the reason we all are where we are in society today. Whenever someone is fighting for Rights, they either choose to fight violently or peacefully and Rosa chose peacefully so that she never put anyone in pain, even those who put her in pain. Most of the time when someone gets what they want they stop working for it. She remained active in the NAACP, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference established the annual Rosa Parks Freedom Award in her honour. In 1987 she cofounder the Rosa and Raymond Parks institute for Self Development to provide career training for young people. She was the recipient of numerous awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom(1996) and the Congressional Gold Medal(1999)(Encyclopedia Britannica, 2018). Rosa was a member of NAACP or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which she remained in for a very long time. Rosa Parks had become so well known for her courage and bravery that others honored her and wanted to thank her for ending bus segregation. Therefore many rewards were made in Rosas name. She was founder of the Rosa and Raymond Parks institute, its in the name of her and her late husband Raymond Parks. The institution takes different children from around the work, traveling on bus , learning about the Civil Rights Movement, and trained them for future jobs. You could say she was a very influential women who made an amazing impact on others. And when Rosa won what she was fighting for she never stopped spreading her word. Which is what most admire about her. Rosa is a legendary woman who helped shape the U.S into the nation it is today. She survived as a black child in Alabama, managed to become respected, fought peacefully; although she wasnt treated peacefully, and still stayed active as a civil rights activist until her death. She made sure that no one mocked her to her grave. Rosa definitely was a strong, independent woman, that never let the color of her skins define who she was and who she was gonna be. And for that African Americans all around the world will forever thank her. References Abbey, C. D. (2006). Biography today. profiles of people of interest to young readers. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics. Rosa Parks. (2018). In Encyclopidia Britannica. Retrieved from West, M. R. (2005, November 14). Rosa Parks: mother of the Civil Rights Movement 1913-2005. Jet, 108(20), 4+. Retrieved from
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Literature Review Ideas of Social Justice and Equity in...
Introduction Social change and social function has actually been concentrated largely on equity problems, although their working meanings, both implicit and specific, mirror a spectrum of meanings varying from easy activism around race, gender, and poverty, to more nuanced understandings of the effect of modern technology advancements, range, globalization, along with the eco-friendly environment. Literature review The ideas of social justice as well as equity have actually been considerable in conversations of social change in psychology, in education, as well as in social along with cultural studies (see likewise Curry-Stevens, 2007; Drury and Reicher, 2009; Moely, Furco, and Reed, 2008; Peterson, 2009). The writing alogn with advocacy of Ivan Illich, Paulo Freire, civil rights leaders, and feminists throughout the later half of the 20th century affected these understandings and assisted form the specific focus of social change in current years. Farley, filling in 1990, provided an understanding of social change as changes in habits patterns, social relationships, establishments, and social framework in time (Hoff Hickling-Hudson, 2011, p. 189). Nevertheless, Hoff and Hickling-Hudson discovered this insufficient from an educational perspective since of its value-neutral position. They liked a meaning that would offer social change a undertone of social development or social advancement useful to society (p. 189). For this reason, they selected the meaningShow MoreRelatedInclusion and Consultation Theory2525 Words  | 10 Pagesdisabilities (Dettmer, Thurston, Dyck, 2005, p. 40). This shared responsibility and giftedness is facilitated through consultation theory, which employs a team approach to successful inclusion of students with disabilities within mainstream education. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
What to Believe In the novel Life of Pi Free Essays
Jeff Ramos English101 Mr. Adams 11-21-2012 What to Believe In the novel Life of Pi, Yann Martel uses the protagonist Pi to demonstrate how faith, ritual and ones will to live save one from the barbaric and carnivorous reality. Pi Patel, lover of faith and various gods and their beliefs loses his family after a shipwreck and drifts on the Pacific Ocean with the zebra, hyena, orangutan and tiger named Richard Parker, each struggling in their own way to survive. We will write a custom essay sample on What to Believe In the novel Life of Pi or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the end, Pi presents two different stories and leaves it up to the reader to decide which version is ultimately true. Personally, I would believe the animal story was made up by Pi because the human story was too much for him to endure. But how do we define truth? Is something true simply because it is believable? Is something untrue because it seems unrealistic? The dictionary defines truth as 1) the true or actual state of a matter; 2) conformity with fact or reality; 3) a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle or the like. The relativity of truth is not emphasized as a major theme until the last part of the novel, when Pi recaps the entire story to the officials from the shipping company who are questioning him. Pi lets them choose the version they prefer, and for them that version becomes truth. In this world, people believe the version of truth that they are most comfortable with. People would rather believe a colorful version of a story, over the gruesome details of the story that actually happened. For example, as Mr. Okamoto and Mr. Chiba were interviewing Pi, he asks them â€Å"So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can’t prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with the animals or the story without animals? Mr. Chiba: the story with the animals. Mr. Okomoto: Yes. The story with animals is the better story. †(317). After hearing the two versions of Pi’s horrendous account, the interviewers agree the story with the animals is the â€Å"better†story, however; never do they say they believe it is true. As humans we tend to think that something is untrue just because it is unbelievable or we just haven’t had an opportunity to experience a certain situation yet. For example, when Pi is describing the atheists and agnostics last words he says â€Å"I can well imagine an atheist’s last words: â€Å"white, white? L-L-Love! My God†– and the deathbed leap of faith. Whereas the agnostic, if he stays true to his reasonable self, if he stays beholden to dry, yeast less factuality, might try to explain the warm light bathing him by saying, â€Å"possibly a f-f-falling oxygenation of the b-b-brain,†and, to the very end, lack imagination and miss the better story. †(64). This shows how the agnostic did not believe in god because he felt that it was untrue and unbelievable. Yet when he or she experiences it, they surely would become a believer. Pi seems to be bothered by the agnostic and their decision to doubt, to lack belief in anything. Another quote from Life of Pi shows that simply because Mr. Chiba and Mr. Okomoto have never actually witnessed a floating banana they automatically believed that it is untrue and believe it would sink. â€Å"â€Å"Bananas don’t float. †â€Å"Yes they do. †â€Å"They are to heavy. †â€Å" No they are not. Here, try for yourself. I have two bananas right here. ††¦ â€Å"They’re in. †â€Å"And? †â€Å"They are floating. †â€Å"What did I tell you? ††(292-293). Through experience Pi knows that bananas float. Once Pi proves to the interviewers that indeed bananas do float, they believe. How do we decide what to believe? The theory of knowledge can guide us in deciding what to believe, what to ignore, what to question, and what we don’t know. It is different from assumptions, rumors and myths. Which version do you believe? Do you think Pi, as a young boy, comes up with the fantastical tale to cope with the ugly truth? Or, is it somehow not the point to decide what actually happened? Maybe the beauty of the first story outweighs the believability of the second? Martel spends so much time developing the first story, and not much on the second. While it might seem totally unlikely, the details are all put into the first story. Ultimately, in Life of Pi, Martel leaves the decision of what to believe up to you. How to cite What to Believe In the novel Life of Pi, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Transferable Skills free essay sample
What are Transferable Skills? We all have â€Å"learned†abilities and â€Å"natural†abilities. Learned abilities are our skills and natural abilities are our talents. So what are Transferable skills or job-related skills? Simply put, transferable skills are the skills and abilities you have acquired during any activity in your life – your jobs, classes, projects, volunteer work, parenting, hobbies, sports, virtually anything – that are applicable to what you want to do in your next job. Learned abilities are skills you develop throughout your life and can apply to a variety of situations. An example would be the ability to coordinate multiple tasks. Job-related skills are skills that you use while in a particular job. An example: dental hygienist would know how to use the dental technology for cleaning teeth and how to take x-rays. Why are Transferable Skills Important? Bottom line: Transferable skills are essential for success in the competitive market place that we are in now. We will write a custom essay sample on Transferable Skills or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These are the skills that are applicable from job to job and to a variety of work settings. The combination of: o strong academic and thinking skills, o strong technical skills, o a commitment to lifelong learning, o the ability to work in teams, o and to communicate effectively are constantly emphasized among employers as basic skills for everyone in this competitive job market. â€Å"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. †Benjamin Franklin Copyright  © 2009 Leading Org Solutions, LLC www. eadingorgsolutions. com Page 1 of 6 Self Discovery / Self Assessment Identifying your strengths, talents and transferable skills are a critical step in your job and career search. Whether you are seeking a similar job, making a career change or re-entering the workforce, it is important to be clear on what your strengths and talents are, as well as of your transferable skills. Self assessments can help to determine what career is most suitable for you and to identify your transferable skills. Recommended assessments to complete: o o o o Discovering My Skills Transferable Skills Worksheet My Job Satisfaction Inventory Find your top 5 Strengths through StrengthFinder About StrengthFinder StrengthFinder: StrengthsFinder is an online assessment that helps you find the areas (your talents) where you have the greatest potential to develop strengths. The ultimate goal is to build a true strength, and talent is just one of the ingredients in this formula. Originally developed by Gallup in 2001 as part of the book, Now, Discover Your Strengths, and then updated in 2007, the StrengthsFinder identifies your top 5 talents with the greatest potential to be developed into strengths from 34 identified talent themes. Building your talents into real strengths requires practice and hard work, much like it does to build physical strength. For example, if you are born with the potential to build large biceps, but you do no exercise these muscles regularly, they will not develop. Strengths Equation: Talent – a natural way of thinking, feeling or behaving X Investment – time spent practicing, developing your skills, and building your knowledge base = Strength – the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance (your ultimate goal) Our natural talents and passions – the things we truly love to do – last for a lifetime! But all too often, our talents go untapped. Every human being has talents that are just waiting to be uncovered. How can knowing my strengths, help me to be more successful and happier in my current job or career and in life in general? Copyright  © 2009 Leading Org Solutions, LLC www. eadingorgsolutions. com Page 2 of 6 Translating Transferable Skills to a Resume A few steps to take before developing your resume: o Research and learn about various careers and what skills are required, a few suggestions: Read descriptions/positions posted online or in want ads Contact professional organizations Network with individu als who are currently working in your desired field or job o Write an objective that tells which skills are applicable to the position you are seeking o Focus on writing a skills based resume, drawing from the transferable skills that you identified through your assessments From Receptionist to Finance o Proven ability to deal with wide range of individuals, including investors and institutional money managers in a fast-paced and time-sensitive environment o Gained knowledge of financial markets and instruments, specifically stocks, bonds and options DON’T o Emphasize administrative experience o Computer experience o State: Schedule meetings and appointments and coordinate travel arrangements. Copyright  © 2009 Leading Org Solutions, LLC www. leadingorgsolutions. com Page 3 of 6 3.
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