Monday, December 30, 2019
A Legendary Woman Rosa Parks - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1760 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/03/27 Category Politics Essay Level High school Topics: Rosa Parks Essay Did you like this example? The early 1900s were a rough time for blacks in Montgomery, Alabama, and all over the world for that matter. Segregation had become a natural way of life in many states, but especially Alabama. Blacks were tormented, seperated, and always second best. Until one womans innocent soul, had finally had it. The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement was that one innocent soul. Rosa refused to give up her rightfully earned seat on the bus, because she decided she would not be pushed around and discriminated against any longer. Being a black in Montgomery, Alabama was how most experienced being mistreated on a daily basis. It was just a matter of survivalof existing from one day to the next(Abbey,2006). Yes, black and whites were segregated and they received completely different treatment compared to each other. They very rarely received any type of attention compared to white people, and they were always second best. Second to receive, second to know, and second to earn, no matter what the situation was. Even the good things in life came with a catch. They gave more than they got in return and it all went to the whites. Blacks in Rosas life time did not live a life, they survived. They earned just enough to keep from starvation, to put clothes on their backs, and to put roofs over their heads. They were trashed and shamed just because of the color of their skin. Their lives were no lives at all, they were just dead weights, that became heavier as time passed by. Yet Rosa survived, she kept up and remembere d she would one day be treated equally. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Legendary Woman Rosa Parks" essay for you Create order Rosas fire to be treated equally was sparked at a very young age. Growing up, blacks worked in fields for small amounts of pay, basically lived in shacks, ate in seperate restraunts than whites, and could never drink for the whites water fountain. She witnessed beatings of black men by the Ku Klux Klan. She witnessed buildings being set a flame, and would watch as they burned and fell to ashes. She never could sleep at night due to the fear of her own home being burnt while she was asleep. Rosa, had had enough even as a child, and she knew the difference between what she was getting and what she deserved. Rosa lived with her maternal grandparents for the majority of her life. She had a very close relationship with her grandfather, and followed in his foot steps. He encouraged her rebellion towards being treated unfairly. He taught her to stand up for herself and never let someone treat you a certain way that you know you do not deserve. He is the reason she stood up for herself that day on the bus. Rosas grandfather planted the small seed of fire in Rosas heart, which evolved into an unextinguishable flame. He was truly the rock solid foundation on which she would forever stand. As anyone could imagine one would definitely have to learn how to stand up for ones self and provide for their family if they wanted to survive. Usually if a person is very well respected by others no person would mess with the, especially when you have never caused any problems.She was probably the only person in Montgomery, Alabama that had no enemies, and that everybody respected,former U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young recalled. There had been others who had been humiliated on the buses before. She was not the first, but when she was thrown in jail it said to all of Montgomery that none of us is safe. It was the purity of her character that galvanized the movement(West,2006). Rosa was one who kept to herself most of the time so nobody really disliked her, nor did she hate anyone. She was respectful and respected, so there was really never anyone who wanted to pick fights with her. With all of this being said, when Rosa was put into jail for violating segregation rights others were very alarmed. Because if Rosa being a well respected person was so easily thrown in jail then what were the whites of Montgomery, Alabama really capable of. Rosa was a seamstress and had just finished a long day of work and was taking the bus home, which was her usual routine. As you would figure whites get the good seats at the front of the bus , while blacks had to sit in the back and sometimes stand. Well when the bus becomes full is when blacks have to stand because they are forced by the segregation laws to give their seats to the whites. Rosa had gotten the last open seat on the bus, that was until a white man loaded it. Rosa was asked by the bus driver to move, but she politefully told them that was not going to happen. She was arrested and thrown in jail, but that sparked a boycott. All throughout her lifetime Rosa was mistreated. Whether it was getting made fun of, spoken to rudely, or frowned upon it never failed. Rosas reason for not giving up her seat was not because she was worn out from work, it was because she was done being treated like she was nothing. She was done being treated like a dog, done being pushed around, done being humiliated by others, but most importantly she was done being punished for a crime of which she never committed. And what seemed to be one of the worst days of Rosa Parks life, paved the way to one of the best things that would ever happen to her. The moment in her life that Rosa worked and built up too had finally come. the Supreme Court has finally declared the segregated seating on the bus unconstitutional. By December 20th Rosa would no longer have to fight for her seat on the bus. All of her hard work and determination had finally payed off. Rosa Parks was the woman who bore the Civil Rights Movement. She pushed for her right ful place in the work everyday. She brought peaceful means between all people, and would forever be honored for her bravery. That small step she took towards equality, would lead to an eternity of freedom. When one thinks of fighting, they usually think of something violent. Throughout her life , she fought through peaceful means for the rights of all people(Abbey, 2016). Rosa Parks was a very strong and peaceful woman. All that she wanted was to be treated equally. Her entire life long and generations before her lived in a world of horror. Rosa believed everyone was good and deserved to be treated just the same, and she never resolved to violence. Rosa always wanted peace with everyone, even those who mistreated her. So she would fight but not violently, even if it meant all she could do was protest until her very last breath. Rosa not only helped others but she encouraged them. She took on being humiliated time after time during her fights to be equal, but that never stopped her. She continued on and made a good life for herself and others. Her small fragile body had become a symbol of strength, bravery, and courage. She spread her word throughout Alabama and trekked on for Civil Rig hts, and Civil Rights she got. She also encouraged others to fight for themselves and what they deserve. Because if she could make a difference then so can anyone else! The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement made a large impact on the U.S. , and is a large reason for why we are the country we are today. I mean she even inspired our former president Bill Clinton, and thats a HUGE deal. Everyday men and women work to make America a free and welcoming place. Rosa was one of those people. America is still growing and progressing today, with new people and new ideas. Rosas act of bravery on the bus that day is the reason we all are where we are in society today. Whenever someone is fighting for Rights, they either choose to fight violently or peacefully and Rosa chose peacefully so that she never put anyone in pain, even those who put her in pain. Most of the time when someone gets what they want they stop working for it. She remained active in the NAACP, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference established the annual Rosa Parks Freedom Award in her honour. In 1987 she cofounder the Rosa and Raymond Parks institute for Self Development to provide career training for young people. She was the recipient of numerous awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom(1996) and the Congressional Gold Medal(1999)(Encyclopedia Britannica, 2018). Rosa was a member of NAACP or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which she remained in for a very long time. Rosa Parks had become so well known for her courage and bravery that others honored her and wanted to thank her for ending bus segregation. Therefore many rewards were made in Rosas name. She was founder of the Rosa and Raymond Parks institute, its in the name of her and her late husband Raymond Parks. The institution takes different children from around the work, traveling on bus , learning about the Civil Rights Movement, and trained them for future jobs. You could say she was a very influential women who made an amazing impact on others. And when Rosa won what she was fighting for she never stopped spreading her word. Which is what most admire about her. Rosa is a legendary woman who helped shape the U.S into the nation it is today. She survived as a black child in Alabama, managed to become respected, fought peacefully; although she wasnt treated peacefully, and still stayed active as a civil rights activist until her death. She made sure that no one mocked her to her grave. Rosa definitely was a strong, independent woman, that never let the color of her skins define who she was and who she was gonna be. And for that African Americans all around the world will forever thank her. References Abbey, C. D. (2006). Biography today. profiles of people of interest to young readers. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics. Rosa Parks. (2018). In Encyclopidia Britannica. Retrieved from West, M. R. (2005, November 14). Rosa Parks: mother of the Civil Rights Movement 1913-2005. Jet, 108(20), 4+. Retrieved from
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Literature Review Ideas of Social Justice and Equity in...
Introduction Social change and social function has actually been concentrated largely on equity problems, although their working meanings, both implicit and specific, mirror a spectrum of meanings varying from easy activism around race, gender, and poverty, to more nuanced understandings of the effect of modern technology advancements, range, globalization, along with the eco-friendly environment. Literature review The ideas of social justice as well as equity have actually been considerable in conversations of social change in psychology, in education, as well as in social along with cultural studies (see likewise Curry-Stevens, 2007; Drury and Reicher, 2009; Moely, Furco, and Reed, 2008; Peterson, 2009). The writing alogn with advocacy of Ivan Illich, Paulo Freire, civil rights leaders, and feminists throughout the later half of the 20th century affected these understandings and assisted form the specific focus of social change in current years. Farley, filling in 1990, provided an understanding of social change as changes in habits patterns, social relationships, establishments, and social framework in time (Hoff Hickling-Hudson, 2011, p. 189). Nevertheless, Hoff and Hickling-Hudson discovered this insufficient from an educational perspective since of its value-neutral position. They liked a meaning that would offer social change a undertone of social development or social advancement useful to society (p. 189). For this reason, they selected the meaningShow MoreRelatedInclusion and Consultation Theory2525 Words  | 10 Pagesdisabilities (Dettmer, Thurston, Dyck, 2005, p. 40). This shared responsibility and giftedness is facilitated through consultation theory, which employs a team approach to successful inclusion of students with disabilities within mainstream education. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
What to Believe In the novel Life of Pi Free Essays
Jeff Ramos English101 Mr. Adams 11-21-2012 What to Believe In the novel Life of Pi, Yann Martel uses the protagonist Pi to demonstrate how faith, ritual and ones will to live save one from the barbaric and carnivorous reality. Pi Patel, lover of faith and various gods and their beliefs loses his family after a shipwreck and drifts on the Pacific Ocean with the zebra, hyena, orangutan and tiger named Richard Parker, each struggling in their own way to survive. We will write a custom essay sample on What to Believe In the novel Life of Pi or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the end, Pi presents two different stories and leaves it up to the reader to decide which version is ultimately true. Personally, I would believe the animal story was made up by Pi because the human story was too much for him to endure. But how do we define truth? Is something true simply because it is believable? Is something untrue because it seems unrealistic? The dictionary defines truth as 1) the true or actual state of a matter; 2) conformity with fact or reality; 3) a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle or the like. The relativity of truth is not emphasized as a major theme until the last part of the novel, when Pi recaps the entire story to the officials from the shipping company who are questioning him. Pi lets them choose the version they prefer, and for them that version becomes truth. In this world, people believe the version of truth that they are most comfortable with. People would rather believe a colorful version of a story, over the gruesome details of the story that actually happened. For example, as Mr. Okamoto and Mr. Chiba were interviewing Pi, he asks them â€Å"So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can’t prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with the animals or the story without animals? Mr. Chiba: the story with the animals. Mr. Okomoto: Yes. The story with animals is the better story. †(317). After hearing the two versions of Pi’s horrendous account, the interviewers agree the story with the animals is the â€Å"better†story, however; never do they say they believe it is true. As humans we tend to think that something is untrue just because it is unbelievable or we just haven’t had an opportunity to experience a certain situation yet. For example, when Pi is describing the atheists and agnostics last words he says â€Å"I can well imagine an atheist’s last words: â€Å"white, white? L-L-Love! My God†– and the deathbed leap of faith. Whereas the agnostic, if he stays true to his reasonable self, if he stays beholden to dry, yeast less factuality, might try to explain the warm light bathing him by saying, â€Å"possibly a f-f-falling oxygenation of the b-b-brain,†and, to the very end, lack imagination and miss the better story. †(64). This shows how the agnostic did not believe in god because he felt that it was untrue and unbelievable. Yet when he or she experiences it, they surely would become a believer. Pi seems to be bothered by the agnostic and their decision to doubt, to lack belief in anything. Another quote from Life of Pi shows that simply because Mr. Chiba and Mr. Okomoto have never actually witnessed a floating banana they automatically believed that it is untrue and believe it would sink. â€Å"â€Å"Bananas don’t float. †â€Å"Yes they do. †â€Å"They are to heavy. †â€Å" No they are not. Here, try for yourself. I have two bananas right here. ††¦ â€Å"They’re in. †â€Å"And? †â€Å"They are floating. †â€Å"What did I tell you? ††(292-293). Through experience Pi knows that bananas float. Once Pi proves to the interviewers that indeed bananas do float, they believe. How do we decide what to believe? The theory of knowledge can guide us in deciding what to believe, what to ignore, what to question, and what we don’t know. It is different from assumptions, rumors and myths. Which version do you believe? Do you think Pi, as a young boy, comes up with the fantastical tale to cope with the ugly truth? Or, is it somehow not the point to decide what actually happened? Maybe the beauty of the first story outweighs the believability of the second? Martel spends so much time developing the first story, and not much on the second. While it might seem totally unlikely, the details are all put into the first story. Ultimately, in Life of Pi, Martel leaves the decision of what to believe up to you. How to cite What to Believe In the novel Life of Pi, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Transferable Skills free essay sample
What are Transferable Skills? We all have â€Å"learned†abilities and â€Å"natural†abilities. Learned abilities are our skills and natural abilities are our talents. So what are Transferable skills or job-related skills? Simply put, transferable skills are the skills and abilities you have acquired during any activity in your life – your jobs, classes, projects, volunteer work, parenting, hobbies, sports, virtually anything – that are applicable to what you want to do in your next job. Learned abilities are skills you develop throughout your life and can apply to a variety of situations. An example would be the ability to coordinate multiple tasks. Job-related skills are skills that you use while in a particular job. An example: dental hygienist would know how to use the dental technology for cleaning teeth and how to take x-rays. Why are Transferable Skills Important? Bottom line: Transferable skills are essential for success in the competitive market place that we are in now. We will write a custom essay sample on Transferable Skills or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These are the skills that are applicable from job to job and to a variety of work settings. The combination of: o strong academic and thinking skills, o strong technical skills, o a commitment to lifelong learning, o the ability to work in teams, o and to communicate effectively are constantly emphasized among employers as basic skills for everyone in this competitive job market. â€Å"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. †Benjamin Franklin Copyright  © 2009 Leading Org Solutions, LLC www. eadingorgsolutions. com Page 1 of 6 Self Discovery / Self Assessment Identifying your strengths, talents and transferable skills are a critical step in your job and career search. Whether you are seeking a similar job, making a career change or re-entering the workforce, it is important to be clear on what your strengths and talents are, as well as of your transferable skills. Self assessments can help to determine what career is most suitable for you and to identify your transferable skills. Recommended assessments to complete: o o o o Discovering My Skills Transferable Skills Worksheet My Job Satisfaction Inventory Find your top 5 Strengths through StrengthFinder About StrengthFinder StrengthFinder: StrengthsFinder is an online assessment that helps you find the areas (your talents) where you have the greatest potential to develop strengths. The ultimate goal is to build a true strength, and talent is just one of the ingredients in this formula. Originally developed by Gallup in 2001 as part of the book, Now, Discover Your Strengths, and then updated in 2007, the StrengthsFinder identifies your top 5 talents with the greatest potential to be developed into strengths from 34 identified talent themes. Building your talents into real strengths requires practice and hard work, much like it does to build physical strength. For example, if you are born with the potential to build large biceps, but you do no exercise these muscles regularly, they will not develop. Strengths Equation: Talent – a natural way of thinking, feeling or behaving X Investment – time spent practicing, developing your skills, and building your knowledge base = Strength – the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance (your ultimate goal) Our natural talents and passions – the things we truly love to do – last for a lifetime! But all too often, our talents go untapped. Every human being has talents that are just waiting to be uncovered. How can knowing my strengths, help me to be more successful and happier in my current job or career and in life in general? Copyright  © 2009 Leading Org Solutions, LLC www. eadingorgsolutions. com Page 2 of 6 Translating Transferable Skills to a Resume A few steps to take before developing your resume: o Research and learn about various careers and what skills are required, a few suggestions: Read descriptions/positions posted online or in want ads Contact professional organizations Network with individu als who are currently working in your desired field or job o Write an objective that tells which skills are applicable to the position you are seeking o Focus on writing a skills based resume, drawing from the transferable skills that you identified through your assessments From Receptionist to Finance o Proven ability to deal with wide range of individuals, including investors and institutional money managers in a fast-paced and time-sensitive environment o Gained knowledge of financial markets and instruments, specifically stocks, bonds and options DON’T o Emphasize administrative experience o Computer experience o State: Schedule meetings and appointments and coordinate travel arrangements. Copyright  © 2009 Leading Org Solutions, LLC www. leadingorgsolutions. com Page 3 of 6 3.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Addiction Counseling free essay sample
Addictions Counselors Credibility: The Impact of Interactional Style, Recovery Status, and Nonverbal Behavior Paul J. Toriello Douglas C. Strohmer The impact of addictions counselors interactional style (confrontational vs. motivational), recovery status (recovering vs. nonrecovering), and nonverbal behavior (facilitative vs. neutral) on 116 clients perceptions of addictions counselor credibility was examined in a fully crossed factorial design. Significant results were found, and implications are discussed. Addictions counselors practicing in the 21st century face many challenges as they anage the care and quality of their services to clients. Some of the most serious of these challenges are presented by such factors as session and/or funding limits, mandatory check-ins with insurance companies, and requirements to measure intervention outcomes (Gabbard, 1997; Magura, Horgan, Mertens, Shepard, 2002). These care and quality issues are accompanied by documentation requirements that account for a considerable portion of addictions counselors time. The result is that addictions counselors have less time to spend with clients (Alexander Lemak, 1997) and, thus, may perceive pressure to expedite the counseling process. We will write a custom essay sample on Addiction Counseling or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As a result, their interactional style with clients may take on a rather direct, get down to business tone (Lemak, Alexander, DAunno, 2001 ; Rohrer, Rohland, Westermann, Knott, Zwick, 1999). One critical factor for addictions counselors working in such an environment is the ability to be effective when clients are resistant to or ambivalent about changing their substance-abusing behaviors. In these circumstances, clients may be asked to implement changes before they are ready or willing to make such changes. Thus, the extent to which clients perceive their addictions counselors as a alid source of counseling input (i. e. , credible) would seem to be of even greater importance than normal, given that they have less time to spend with clients and experience pressure to produce rapid, positive outcomes. Moreover, credibility of addictions counselors is also at a premium because influencing clients to enter and remain in counseling is one of the more salient challenges that these counselors face. For example, 50% to 64% of individuals who begin Paul }. Toriello and Douglas C. Strohmer, Department of Rehabilitation Counseling, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans. Douglas C. Strohmer is now at the Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research, University of Memphis. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Paul ]. Torielto, Department of Rehabilitation Counseling, 1900 Gravier Street, Box 66-2, New Orleans, LA 70112 (e-mail: [emailprotected] edu). journal of Addictions Offender Counseling October 2004 Volume 25 2000b, 2000c). In addition, the literature suggests that the most frequently specified reason for leaving counseling prematurely was clients choice (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2000a). Thus, in the addictions counseling milieu, where time with clients is limited, the credibility of addictions counselors and their ability to influence clients to willingly engage in the counseling process are critical. Given these pressures, addictions counselors have often adopted Confrontational Interviewing (C), which is a very direct manner for dealing with client issues (Schneider, Casey, Kohn, 2000).
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Poorly Described by a College Student. Professor Ramos Blog
The Electromagnetic Spectrum Poorly Described by a College Student. Have you ever been curious as to how light works? Why objects are the color they are? What if they weren’t really the colors we believed them to be? How would you feel knowing there were whole spectrums of light completely invisible to us? Well there are and I’ll explain how we know and why it matters. Color and light affect literally everyone, color helps artists evoke emotions, doctors detect cancer, politicians pull votes, clothing labels target their audiences, and so much more. For starters we’ll discuss how light behaves and how light allows us to see. Light travels outward in all directions at its source this is called rectilinear propagation of light. We are able to see the world around us because light bounces from objects and is reflected towards our eyes. This redirected light appear as a much smaller up-side down reflected image that is then refocused and made sense in the brain. Light passing through different mediums with different densities will change the speed at which the light travels. This change in speed will refract or bend the light, changing its original coarse. This is only a brief observation as to how light behaves, if we tried to break down exactly how light works, we would be reading an awfully large science book diving deep into quantum physics. [] Quantum physics aside, its obvious light is a very broad subject to tackle. So to keep things narrow, why are objects the color they appear? In ‘The universe explained’ by Heather Couper and Nigel Henbest briefly cover why the sky is blue. A British physicist by the name of Lord Rayleigh was the first person to piece this together. He realized that gasses within our atmosphere were the reason our earthly sky appears blue. When light passes through oxygen and nitrogen molecules, with every pass the light is slightly bent and redirected. These gasses are better at deflecting shorter wave lengths of blue light rather than the longer red wavelengths. We call this effect â€Å"Rayleigh scattering†. Sunlight gets scattered so much by the molecules in our atmosphere, blue light spreads in all directions and is redirected towards our eyes [11]. Light within the visible spectrum appears white until separated by a prism or absorbed by an object, when light is absorbed by an object for example, a green apple, all colors of the white light is absorbed by the apple and green light is reflected, giving the apple its green color. This is the very same concept as to how our sky is blue. Oxygen and nitrogen molecules absorb white light and deflect the remaining blue light in the visible spectrum [11-12]. The human eye is able to see color because of three light receptive cones within the retina that absorb light and translate that information into color. These cones process red, green, blue and all shade variants of these three colors. Up until now we’ve only discussed visible light and some of its properties, so the next question is, how much light are we not seeing and how do they behave? Well for starters, Radio waves, Microwaves, Infrared, Ultraviolet, X-ray, and Gamma rays are a few (that we know of). The electromagnetic spectrum is the scientific name for the entirety of all light, and our visible spectrum is just a sliver of light in the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves are a kind of electromagnetic radiation wave, their wavelengths are longer than that of infrared wavelength. Radio waves cover a very broad frequency within the spectrum, which allows this wavelength to strangely enough carry programmable information from one point to another. Microwaves are typically used for transmitting information in radar technology, but are most obviously known to be used in microwave ovens, their wavelengths are rough the size of a pencil. Infrared wavelengths are just past the reddest wavelengths of our visible spectrum with a slightly shorter frequency, this spectrum of light although invisible to us radiates a sort of â€Å"heat light†that most snakes and reptiles can perceive, So in essence, heat vision. Then there’s ultraviolet light, this is on the opposite end of the visible spectrum bluest light and is also invisible to the human eye. UV rays are highly energetic radiation wave produced by the sun and are the reason we become sun burnt. Most species of birds and insects are able to see this spectrum of light because flowers are highly reflective of UV Rays. This makes the flowers presence more apparent to birds and insects to feed or pollinate from. X-rays are a very useful wavelength, much shorter in frequency than the other wavelengths we’ve covered. These wavelengths are thousands times smaller and because of their size they are able to penetrate through objects normal light cannot. Similar to how light can easily pass through water or glass, there are materials X-rays are able to pass through without resistance. We use X-rays to our advantage to see through human tissue and observe underlying medical issues such as broken bones. Then we have gamma rays the most energetic and dangerous wavelength within the spectrum. . [Chris Woodford. top] Gamma rays are a form of intense radiation that are extremely dangerous to come into contact with. Gamma rays are the most difficult to detect of all wavelength because of their size. Measuring to about the size of an atoms nuclei, these wavelength are detected using specialized rockets to carry gamma ray sensors high above the earth atmosphere. We use many different kinds of light outside of our visible spectrum to benefit the greater good of humanity. Gamma ray are used in highly concentrated bursts to destroy cancer cells and we use polarized light to detect these cancers cells that would other wise be invisible to the human eye. Imagine if we could see these spectrum of lights completely out of sight and out of mind. Imagine looking up into the sky and seeing your favorite TV show surf through the radio waves above your head ( while this sounds great in theory its closer to science fiction) With more research and new technologies being built to help us see into these invisible sp ectrums, these efforts will help broaden the human senses and our understanding of how the world works. Work cited 1. The Innovation Team RMIT University. â€Å"How does light work, and how do we see it?†. [] published on Aug 12, 2014. 2. Heather Couper and Nigel Henbest. â€Å"The universe explained: A cosmic Q and A†. Firefly Books. August 31, 2018 3. April 4, 2012.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing Plan for the Successful Entry of Apple Inc into the Indian Essay
Marketing Plan for the Successful Entry of Apple Inc into the Indian Market - Essay Example According to the essay the marketing mix, which includes the product, price, place, and promotion, is also discussed as a sub topic in the paper used to devise ways of creating strategies to market the Apple products in the forth-coming years. The key findings in the study are that Apple products are of high quality and hence sold at high prices hence attracts mainly wealthy customers. It is therefore recommended that the company strategize ways to reduce their prices to attract many customers. India is a developing nation and Apple Inc will benefit a lot by ensuring the new products they offer in the existing markets are of high quality and long lasting.From this paper it is clear that marketing activities involves promoting the products and services to make people in the community know that they exist and they use strategies such as advertising, marketing communications and public relations to ensure that they reach many people. Marketers design products in a way that that makes th em durable by using pricing and marketing research tools. The report in this paper is going to define and evaluate the role of marketing in the Apple Inc. responding to launching of new products and services in its existing market in India. The strategic options available for the company together with justifications why the competitive strategy was developed as part of the plan of Apple Inc. in India will be evaluated.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Museums In Between Social Duty and Controversy Assignment
Museums In Between Social Duty and Controversy - Assignment Example Traditionally museums have collected and exhibited fine art, natural history, ancient history, and ethnography. Due to this lack of interest in historical collections, the 1976 exhibitions in Western Australia contained "nothing about Aboriginal history: it remained elsewhere within a safer context of anthropology. There were few women. A large model of Queen Victoria and a little later a very genteel parlor scene constituted the sole female presence in the gallery." (Anderson, Selling) These were two of the major issues that later have shaken the tranquil world of Australian museums. Aborigine history and women's contribution to social development have superficially been approached and even diminished by setting specific exhibitions in locations that belittle their importance - as for instance is the case of the Powerhouse Museum reopening exhibit in 1988. (Anderson, Selling) Feminist groups have become increasingly displeased with the dim presence of women's history in public exhib its. They have also protested against the male predominance in museums managements and "have formed a separate association within the museum professional organization, to promote debate on this issue and to raise the profile of women in the profession." (Anderson, Selling) At the Powerhouse Museum, "women are largely absent", or whenever present, they "are cast as the passive recipients of technological advance"(ibid). It goes the same with the Museum of Victoria, which is 1985 exhibited the "Story of Victoria" where women are present in a small section that dealt with "women's suffrage and with one of the women's early strikes"(ibid) but nothing more.
Monday, November 18, 2019
An American childhood by Annie dillard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
An American childhood by Annie dillard - Essay Example eams through her mention of her father who painfully decided to give up his personal dreams to protect his family from the dangers of what would come from the talk of the people. Her adoration of the man with principles he stood for may not have been directly pointed out but they were clearly expressed as the writer saw through the eyes of a child. She spoke about her mother in a childlike manner, telling the story just how it happened, without sugar-coating rather in a child’s innocence; she placed her mother in the rightful pedestal. The story is a craftily written piece of art which engages the readers, making alive the actions, people and places mentioned. Probably the greatest ingredient used in the story that really grips the readers to stick their noses on the book until the end, is the honesty and innocence of the child in the grown-up Annie. Along with this, she made alive the story with her wit as she used professional means of story telling like figures of speech. Alliteration was used, with the repetition of sounds as the story is told, to put emphasis on some parts of the story, drawing attention from the reader for one to meditate more on it or analyze the meaning of which. An example for this is the line, â€Å"There was no messiness in her, no roughness for things to cling to, only a charming and charmed innocence that seemed then to protect her, an innocence I needed but couldn’t muster†. She used metaphors as well bringing life to some things she mentioned in the story as she viewed them during her childhood. She made the icebox motor talk in the line; â€Å"You are living†, the icebox motor said. In an interesting manner, her childhood imaginations were drawn before the eyes of her readers and this simply made the story more enjoyable. Even the figurative languages the author used in her story showed the genius in her as she realized as a child the essence of the stories he read or heard to the facts she observed. Metaphorically, the child
Saturday, November 16, 2019
English language needs for tour guides
English language needs for tour guides This chapter describes the methods of research and explains the methods used in the present study. This chapter is divided into five parts: objectives of the study and the research questions; description of the research types; data sampling and collection procedures; data analysis of the data collected; reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research methods and findings. For the purposes of this study, I will classify the English language skills and functions for tour guides into four main categories. The language skills and elements are composed of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Translation, and vocabulary in tourism including grammar and some useful English expressions will be discussed and included into those four main categories. Objectives of the Study and Research Questions This study aims to investigate present English language needs and benefits of learning English for Vietnamese tour guides. This studies’ data also hopes to reveal some of the problems foreign tourists face when dealing with Vietnamese tour guides, and the language skills and functions that are useful for tour guides to help overcome them. This research tries to answer two of the four main research questions: 2.What are the English language needs required for Vietnamese tour guides? 3.What are the benefits for English speaking Vietnamese tour guides, when compared to those with only their native language? The design of research methods for the present study was based on the most effective and efficient way to answer these two research questions. Research Types Overview of Research Types and Their Characteristics There two main types of research: qualitative research and quantative research. Qualitative research is a research type that is concerned with the study of what goes on in natural settings. The process of this research deals with an inquiry and understanding based on distinct methodologies within the tradition of inquiry that explores a social or human problem. The researcher is the main instrument of data collection to build a complex and holistic picture, to collect words and to analyze this information inductively, and to report detailed views of informants. In designing a study, one works with philosophical assumptions, possible frameworks, problems, and questions; and data collection through techniques such as interviews, observation, documents, and audio-visual materials (Cresswell, 1998). Some examples of qualitative research are: biography, which is a study on a single individual when material is available and accessible; phenomenology, which examines a phenomenon and the meaning it holds for individuals; a grounded theory, which is a study to generate o r develop a theory; an ethnography, which studies the behavior of a culture-sharing group; and a case study, which examines a case bound in time and place and looks for contextual material about the setting of the case. To sum up, it can be seen that qualitative research and quantitative research differ in terms of their key concepts, goals, approaches to design, and the types of problems that researchers have. Therefore, the selection of which research approach is appropriate in a given study depends on the problem of interest, available resources, the skills and training of the researcher, and the audience for the research (ibid). Quantitative research is a type of research that is concerned with an inquiry into an identified problem, based on testing a theory composed of variables, measuring with numbers, and analyzing data using statistical techniques. Reichardt and Cook 1979 cited in Nunan, 1992 suggest that quantitative research is â€Å"obtrusive, controlled, generalizable, outcome oriented, and assumes the existence of ‘facts’ which are somehow external to and independent of the observer or researcher†. The main characteristics of quantitative research are the following beliefs: reality is something that can be studied objectively; the researcher should remain distant and independent from what is being researched; research is value-free and is based primarily on deductive forms of logic and theories; hypotheses are tested in a cause-effect order; and the research goals are to develop generalizations that contribute to theory and to enable the researcher to predict, explain, and unders tand some phenomena Bogdan and Bilken (1982 cited in Maurice et al, 1987). There are considered to be three general types of quantitative methods: 1. Experiments, which are characterized by random assignment of subjects to experimental conditions and the use of experimental controls; 2.Quasi-experiments, by which studies share almost all the features of experimental designs except that they involve non-randomized assignment of subjects to experimental conditions; and 3. Surveys, which include cross-sectional and longitudinal studies using questionnaires or interviews for data collection with the intent of estimating the characteristics of a large population based on a smaller sample from that population (Maurice et al, 1987). Research may sometimes incorporate both quantitative and qualitative methodologies as will this study in order to get the reliability and trustworthiness of the research from results obtained from the questionnaire and the interviews carried out. Type of research in this study This study employed a qualitative approach utilizing some quantitative techniques in a needs analysis for the study of tour guides in Vietnam. The main method of the study was a survey conducted to explore the use of English of tour guides in Vietnam in order to analyze the present needs of using the target language in their workplace. The participants of the study were selected on a basis of convenience and availability. A questionnaire, with of a rating scale, was used for data collection. The data was then analyzed based on simple statistics, looking for averages and simple groupings to identify the needs and problems in order to find answers to the research questions. Sampling procedures in the present study The participants in this study were tour guides who work in the areas of Central, North and South Vietnam including 50 from areas in and surrounding Hue, Da Nang and Hoi An, 25 from the HCM City and surrounding area and 25 from the Hanoi region. The details of the travel agencies were found from the internet websites and from local knowledge. The method to assess the English language needs and problems of Vietnamese tour guides was a questionnaire. Several methods were used to make the questionnaire in order to maintain its reliability and validity. The benefits for the tour guides and the tourism industry were assessed from the interviews conducted. The interviews conducted were mostly limited to the local area with 20 participants from Hue, Da Nang and Hoi An although there were 5 interviews done in HCM City. The Construction of the questionnaire To create the questionnaire used in this study, I reviewed a number of research studies relating to the needs analysis and English for Specific Purposes (ESP discussed in the literature review Chapter 2), and then I reviewed some examples of questionnaires from similar research to find their outlines. Moreover, a wide range of textbooks about English for tourism were studied to find relevant information to use as content in the questionnaire. The first draft of the questionnaire was written in English and created with the objectives of the study and the research questions. The questionnaire was used in this study to obtain information from the tour guides in Vietnam. The questionnaire, given to the tour guides, had five main parts: General information; general opinions; needs of the English language for tour guides; Problems/difficulties faced with English language; and opinions about the benefits of learning English for Vietnamese tour guides. 1.General Information The general information was made up of three sections. The first asked the participants some personal information about their age, gender, education, and the amount of time they had worked as a tour guide. The second section asked about the importance of English, the amount of English they needed to use when they guide international tourists and who they use English language with in their daily tasks. The last part was about their English proficiency. The participants were also asked to rank language skills and elements that they used regularly, and problems with English language they had most. The language skills and elements in this questionnaire were composed of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Translation, and vocabulary in tourism including grammar and some useful English expressions will be discussed and included into those four main categories. 2.General Opinions The second part consisted of two items. Item 1 asked the participants to indicate their feelings about the necessity of English language elements. They were to rank the elements on a scale of 1 to 5 in their opinions: 5=Essential 4=Very necessary 3=Necessary 2=Fairly necessary 1=Unnecessary. Item 2 was about the difficulty of English language elements. The participants were asked to rate their difficulties of English skills again using a rating of 1 to 5. 5=Very difficult 4=Difficult 3=Fairly difficult 2=Not very difficult 1=Not difficult 3.Needs of the English Language for Tour Guides The third part was about the needs of tour guides for the use of English skills or elements in the job. The questions covered information with various English language functions for tour guides. The questions were divided into four main domains of language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Questions about translation, pronunciation, vocabulary in tourism, grammar and expressions were also included. Within each skill, the questions were divided into sub items asking about various roles and the functions for the tour guides. The participants had to rate those answers on a 1 to 5 scale as follows: 5 = Most 4 = A lot 3 = Moderate 2 = A little 1 = Least 4.Problems and Difficulties Faced with English Language For this part the questionnaire was again used, as it was in part three, to discover and confirm problems and difficulties encountered by the tour guides in the daily activities. These questions aimed to point out common issues resulting from miscommunication or lack of understanding when using the English language. Again the participants had to rate those answers on a 1 to 5 scale as follows: 5 = Most 4 = A lot 3 = Moderate 2 = A little 1 = Least 5. The benefits of learning English for Vietnamese tour guides The questionnaire ended with an opened item, allowing the participants to fill in either their comments or suggestions. Some expected benefits were suggested and offered as choices to agree or disagree with. The participants were also asked to rank those benefits in order of importance to them personally and professionally. This was followed up, where possible, with interviews requesting further clarification of their suggested benefits and those that were suggested to them in the questionnaire. Putting ticks in boxes and crossing numbers were ways of answering all the parts of the questionnaire. There were yes/no answers, multiple choice questions and ranked questions. The questionnaire used in the present study was written in English and then translated into Vietnamese to avoid any ambiguity, misinterpretation or problems for the participants. Pilot Study A pilot study was conducted to test the effectiveness of the questionnaire and to identify and eliminate ambiguity in the questions before it was used in the main study. Five people in different areas of the tourism and hospitality industry from the local area in Hue City were the participants in the pilot study, carried out at the beginning of March 2015. Just over one week was allocated for the collection and review of the pilot questionnaire, but due to conflicting schedules it took just over two weeks to get the results. The return rate and the completed questionnaires was 100%. In the pilot questionnaire, an item of ‘others and please specify’ was included at the end of every section, where participants could propose any additional questions or English language expressions and functions they thought should have been asked (see Appendix 2). To administer the questionnaire, the researcher firstly handed out the covering letter to the manager of the chosen people where needed to ask for their permission. The cover letter consisted of an introduction of the research study and the university, the aim of the study, the importance of the study, general instructions and words of thanks to the participants and their management. Then, the questionnaires they could complete were given to the participants. This was then followed by arranging a time and date that the questionnaires could be collected and interviews with the participants could be given. The participants in the pilot study were 4 male participants and 1 female participant. The results of the survey showed that the participants were concerned about the importance of English in their tour guide occupations. They all suggested that speaking was the most important skill they needed in their jobs, followed closely by listening. Writing, reading, vocabulary in tourism, translation, grammar and expressions were the least important. However, concerning their difficulties of using English elements in their jobs, the majority of the participants found listening caused the most issues, followed by speaking (including pronunciation errors). Translation, writing, grammar, language expressions and reading were all considered to have fewer problems for them. Vocabulary for Vietnamese tour guides was generally found to be the least problematic and the easiest to overcome. Main Study After the questionnaire was revised and created based on suggestions and improvements to the pilot study, it was given to, or sent to, the participants selected for the main study: 100 tour guides from different companies and individuals during the first week of April 2015. They were then returned over the following weeks with the last of them received in late April 2015. Similar steps to the pilot study were taken for the collection of data. Firstly a covering letter was submitted, introducing the study, with reference to the Hue University College of Foreign Languages, to the managers and/or owners of the tour companies to get permission. The return rate within this time was 60% and any that were returned later then than April 2015 were left out of the study; only 50% of these were completed correctly and used for the data analysis. Data Analysis The analysis of data in the present study The questionnaires were checked and analyzed using basic statistics. The procedures in the present study looked for specific repeated trends and used, percentages (%), averages (X), and standard deviation (S.D.). The data was analyzed using the following statistical procedures. First, the percentages were used in the analysis of answers, concerning the general background of participants (Part I). Second, a five-point scale was used to score the levels of necessity, difficulty, needs and problems of English language for tour guides in Vietnam (Part II, III, and IV). Third, the information about the central tendency of the scores and Standard Deviation (S.D.) showing a measurement of the dispersion, giving information on the extent to which a set of scores varies in relation to the average score. Averages were used to calculate the level of necessity, difficulty, needs and problems of English language skills for tour guides in Vietnam. Fourth, scores were weighted to rank the needs and problems of English language elements for tour guides in Vietnam. A specific weight, as illustrated below, was assigned for each specific rank: RankWeighted Scores 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 Finally, the reliability of the responses for those items, which used a five-point scale was tested. Reliability, Validity, and Generalizability. Definitions of Reliability, Validity, and Generalizability Reliability is the extent to which an independent researcher, on analyzing one’s data, would reach the same conclusions and, a replication of one’s study would yield similar results. There are two types of reliability: internal reliability, which refers to the consistency of the results obtained from a piece of research; and external reliability, which refers to the extent to which independent researchers can reproduce a study and obtain results similar to those obtained in the original study (Nunan, 1992). Validity is the ability of an instrument to measure what it is designed to measure. Researchers and experts in the field are persons who decide that an instrument is observing what it is set out to observe. Two approaches of establishing the validity of a research instrument are logic and statistical evidence. There are three types of validity: face and content validity (the judgment based upon the logical link between the questions and the objectives of the study); concurrent and predictive validity (the judgment based on the degree to which an instrument can forecast an outcome and how well an instrument compares with a second assessment done concurrently); and construct validity (the judgment based upon statistical procedures) (Kumar, 1996). Generalizability is the way of drawing logical conclusion, or making an inference from certain results which explains some important implications of the results or is related to the research questions. Reliability, Validity, and Generalizability in the Present Study Reliability To check the reliability of the questionnaire, I used an internal reliability check for consistency of the results obtained from the study. The questionnaire used in the pilot study was considered to be more than satisfactory for the purpose of this study. Validity To ensure the validity of the questionnaire, the first draft of the questionnaire was constructed and revised based on recommendations from the participants and other people in the field. In the present study, the researcher used face to face interviews about the questionnaire to determine opinions on the validity. I then constructed the questions in the questionnaire based on the objectives of the study and the research question being asked. By checking the validity, each question or item on the scales and the questionnaire content must have a logical link with the objectives. The judgment that the questionnaire and interviews was measuring what it was supposed to, was based upon the relevant inferences the findings had to the study. Moreover, the validity of the questions was also checked by the participants in the pilot study. Generalizability This study used a mostly quantitative approach with three established needs including sampling, reliability and validity checking. Therefore, the results obtained could be generalized to the target population, the tour guides in Vietnam. This chapter has dealt with the research methodology and the design of the present study. The objectives of the study and research questions; research types; data sampling and collection procedures; data analysis of the data collected; reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research methods and findings were also discussed. The results of the present study will be presented in the following chapter.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
heroarms Henry’s Personal Code in A Farewell to Arms :: Farewell Arms Essays
Henry’s Personal Code in A Farewell to Arms  A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway is a story of Love, war and one Man’s pursuit of finding his own personal code in order to make a separate peace. Fredrick Henry is an American who serves as a lieutenant in the Italian army to a group of ambulance drivers. Hemingway portrays Frederick as a lost man searching for order and value in his life. Catherine Barkley is an English volunteer nurse who serves in Italy. She is considered very experienced when it comes to love and loss since she has already been confronted with the death of a loved one when her fiancà © was killed earlier in the war. Their love affair must survive the obstacles of World War. The background of war-torn Italy adds to the tragedy of the love story. The war affects the emotions and values of each character. The love between Catherine and Frederick must outlast long separations, life-threatening wartime situations, and the uncertainty of each other's whereabouts or condition. This novel is a beautif ul love story of two people who need each other in a period of upheaval. At the start of the novel, Frederick is given a vacation to leave the war for a period of time in order to relax. He befriends a priest because he admires the fact that the priest lives his life by a set of values that give him an orderly lifestyle. He is told by the priest to go to Abruzzi, there in the mountains he can relax and forget about the worries of war. But Fredrick is hardheaded and listens to his friends and decides to go to Naples, there he drinks and travels from one house of prostitution to another and yet he is discontent because his life is very unsettled. This vacation was his free ticket out of the war but Fredrick does not realize nor understand how bad this war is. He decides to return due to his pride and patriotism. A close friend of Fredrick, Rinaldi is also a Lt. In the army. Together they share stories and interests. Rinaldi is a strong man, one who understands what war is about. Through numerous attempts of lessons given to Fredrick, he still doesn’t understand. Rinaldi constantly calls Fredrick â€Å"baby†which is an accurate description of him. He is still a child and is not aware of the true meaning of war, love and life.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Constitution vs. Articles of Confederation
M. S. 226 Syed Faridi 701 3/16/13 Constitution Vs. The Articles of Confederation were the first governing policy for the United States of America and were in place from 1781-1789. However it is governing power was extremely limited. There were many differences between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. At the end of the American Revolution the free states needed some sort of control that would generate to a unified country. Issues arose such as: How should power be divided between local and national governments? How should laws be made, and by whom?Who should be authorized to govern those laws? How could the government be designed to protect the unalienable individual rights? Their first attempt at solving this issue was the Articles of Confederation, which was a failure for the most part, but not completely. After the failure of the articles, the state delegates tried to revise the articles, but instead, constructed the Constitution. There were so many changes made and very little remained the same. The states attempted to limit the power of the national government because they feared that it would become a monarchy.In an effort to limit the power of the national government, Congress created one without enough power to govern effectively, which led to serious national and international problems. One of the main weaknesses under the Articles of Confederation was its incapability to regulate trade and levy taxes. The states controlled all of their â€Å"cash flows. †Sometimes, the states were in debt because of tariff wars that they would engage in with one another. Because of these debts, the states refused to give the national government the money it needed.Hence, the government could not pay off the debts it had gained during the revolution, including paying soldiers who had fought in the war and citizens who had provided supplies to the cause. Congress could not pass needed measures because they lacked the nine-state majority require d to become laws and couldn’t amend articles because unanimous consent of the all states was required. The states largely ignored Congress, which was powerless to enforce cooperation, and it was therefore unable to carry out its duties.The national government could not force the states to adhere to the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783 ending the American Revolution. Foreign countries saw lack of unity in states. Because of the lack of income the national government collected, the new nation was unable to defend its borders from British and Spanish abuse because it could not pay for an army when the states would not contribute the necessary funds. The country would not get rich as a whole because states controlled all interstate commerce.States coined their own money and regulated its supply, so values of currency varied from state to state. In conclusion, In 1781 American colonists took hold to the Articles of Confederation, their first outline of democracy. The Articles set up a good base for government, but it was soon realized that it needed a lot of work. In Philadelphia a group of the most well educated and experienced men of America met to revise the Articles of Confederation. The result of this meeting was not a revised Articles of Confederation, but a new document that outlined the government we have today. This was the Constitution.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Stress and Positive Thinking Essay Example
Stress and Positive Thinking Essay Example Stress and Positive Thinking Essay Stress and Positive Thinking Essay I grew up in a very strict and traditional family, where the highest of expectations had to be met for ones talents and accomplishments to be noticed. Striving for the best while being courageous and just hoping that one-day I would be able to make my parents proud was one of the most stressful things on my mind. My father always told me that there are only two paths in life that a person can take. He said that one will be a very tough and challenging road with many obstacles but in the end we will find peace and love. The other one will be extremely easy to reach but you will only find pain and poverty. My whole life Ive been struggling to be a good daughter, a better student, and a humble individual. Ive always been independent and have managed many things on my own and one of my main goals was to always be stress free. Stress is a serious problem that every individual encounters in his or her lifetime. It can be anything from simple stress from school or something major as to huge stress due to a death in the family. Stress can be described as a force from the outside world that affects an individual along with the environment. It can be very hard to cope with stress since it can lead to depression or even suicide along with many other health conditions. Another way to define stress is that it is a physical response around you that can be due to a threat or just being upset in some way. (Looker, and Gregson pg. 23) When our body senses danger it goes into a response mode that is known as the fight-or-flight response. When you perceive a threat, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones rouse the body for emergency action. Stress can be a positive thing or a negative thing. When a certain individual is speeding and seeing a car in front of them they have to slam on the breaks. The slamming on the breaks is due to the stress response and in these situations stress is known as a positive thing. (Looker, and Gregson, pg. 24) Putting these situations aside, we all know that most stress is negative stress. Some things that contribute to negative stress are too many bills, arguments with friends, bad relationships’ with loved ones, or even a very busy schedule. These small things in basic lifestyles can cause a lot of stress and can lead to serious health problems such as heart attacks, obesity, and even depression. -Looker, Terry, and Olga Gregson. Teach Yourself Managing Stress. Teach Yourself, 2007. Print. There are many causes of stress such as a major life change, work, financial problems, negative self-talk, unrealistic expectations, or even perfectionism. (Institute ) Work can be a burden on many people since most individuals don’t love their jobs. Many people just work for the money and don’t even realize what they are getting themselves into. Others have very killing debts that they are having difficulty paying off or even managing. These financial hardships can really dig deep into a person’s soul and make them feel very little inside. All these factors in my eyes all come down to one thing and that is how positive a person is. I believe that one of the best ways to handle stress is to always be positive. Positivity can really change how a person handles their life and can also affect their attitude. On the other hand, many people spend most of their life just being simply negative. Institute, American. Managing stress. New Readers Pr, 1994. Print. Negativity is a common behavior amongst many humans; however it is not a characteristic that takes you very far in life. (Looker, and Gregson pg. 17) Despite the troubles caused by daily tactics, having a positive attitude can help even the most impossible issue to be solved. With that being said, provided research proves that practicing positive health behaviors will i ndeed improve health. Simple ways would be getting a regular check up every six months and to also exercising a few times a week. Basic ideals like these indicate and propose a healthy lifestyle. However, nothing is possible if you do not have a positive attitude. -Looker, Terry, and Olga Gregson. Teach Yourself Managing Stress. Teach Yourself, 2007. Print. According to Roberta Larson Duyff and Jeff Braun, keeping in shape and being fit is the first way of practicing positive health. In the article â€Å" Do we get enough Activity†its mentioned that the human body needs a certain amount of exercise to stay motivated if you were to stay home all day and just snack that doesn’t cut it. Health Authority) However statistics prove that 25 percent of Americans are not active when 38 percent over the ages of 55 aren’t even active at all. (Health Authority) With these factors it shows that there are way to keep your body moving and to be motivated. Duyff also feels that it is necessary to follow these guides because every human needs something to keep them motivated. After all, in this world nothi ng comes easy, everything requires little or more dedication. -Stress Management. Health Authority n. pag. Web. 2 Dec 2010. lt; healthauthority. com/stress. tmgt;. Even though physical health is important it is also important to have a good mental health too. The way you can keep this up is by having a positive mind frame such as thinking positive. (Harrington ) This is a health behavior that has proved to not only increase self esteem but also boost many people’s immune system’s because they are encouraging there own minds to think more upon what they are then what they see. Along with all these factors we can contribute health in all of these issues since positivity equals less stress and depression. How do you think positive? You can start off my embracing yourself and appreciating yourself more. â€Å" You can’t love someone unless you learn to love yourself†is a common phrase used by many, but given a lot of value when mentioned. What this phrase is basically trying to break through is that you need to love yourself and not beat on everything you do. In everyday life there may not be things we like a lot but we can always look for a way to improve instead of criticizing ourselves. The importance of thinking positive is the main leading factor of having positive health behaviors, which can help prevent and improve health. If you’re mentally not ready to accept yourself then nothing else can help you change that view. The importance of thinking positive drills into your head where you start to believe how much you are really worth and you start to appreciate yourself more and that is how it should be to begin with. A human being who has been a positive thinker from the start has more chances of improving and preventing their health in a natural way than any other person who isn’t so happy. (Harrington ) This is not a problem that many adults have, but it is something that teens struggle with. Since many teens aren’t very happy with themselves, they have hard time coping with problems such as, accepting who they are and just having difficulty fitting in with the society. According to adults it’s the opposite, even though they may have good self- esteem and a positive mind frame, it is also necessary as mentioned before to have good eating and exercising habits. -Harrington, Anne. The cure within: a history of mind-body medicine. W. W. Norton amp; Company, 2008. Print. Many people get motivation by watching their favorite TV shows or celebrities perform. A lot of people seek motivation by famous people. C. pg 62) Positive behavior is established by watching TV, and videos that promote positive behaviors, such as music videos, yoga shows or even simple things like exercising tutorials. This is very important because if people get motivation from others, they look up to it and that can be proven to be healthy. Such as if something was a bad influence and you loo ked up to it then it wouldn’t be such a good idea. Adults around the ages of 50-70 are also proved to do things that aren’t bad at all. (C. pg 64 ) That also raises the issue that there is not such an age where media defines age. It is open for any age or religion not mattering who you are but how your mind works. In other words if you are open to more diversity in the world not only will you understand others but you will be healthy. -C. , Jonathan. Stress management: a comprehensive handbook of techniques and strategies. Springer Publishing Company, 2002. Print. However other ways of taking up this matter is also the same mentioned before, having a positive mental attitude. (Institute pg. 59) To further go into detail with this it would also include controlling your stress levels. This mainly means to have good time management, because often people stress out when they find themselves having a lot to do and not much time to finish it. This can also come in between and can progress into an unhealthy behavior. If a person can control this, they can prevent themselves into improving health. A good way to manage your stress is simple procedures, such as taking up dance lessons or even simple activities such as yoga. Yoga as always been known for ages to improve the mind and soul in a simple matter that involves your body to engage in an activity that helps you release inner tensions. Simple and basic ways like these also promote you to do better and proclaim prevention. However, basic methods like yoga only work out if you stick to it on a regular basis. You can’t just do it randomly, but it should be done periodically such as making a schedule. It’s like a workout schedule that you would follow on a daily basis and record how much progress you have done. Another good way to relieve stress and tension is something called art and music therapy, which many people aren’t so familiar with. (Institute pg. 61) It’s a way too ease your mind with music and art. Art in many ways is helpful not only to people who may be suffering from clinical or deep depression. It’s also for people who want to ease their mind. Art in many ways is helpful because while looking at different colors it gives you a pleasant intake and relaxes the parts of your brain that may not be getting much access. In other words, art and music simply gives you satisfaction that words or other sorts of entertainment wont. It’s also a proven fact that natural activities like these have a better affect on people then medication or therapy treatments. -Institute, American. Managing stress. New Readers Pr, 1994. Print. How is positive behavior defined? Positive behavior is also defined by how you act towards one another such as interacting with others you can easily pick up how a person is. (Harrington pg 105 ) Some people’s personalities also trigger on how healthy they are. Even though some people may be shy and it will be hard to pick it up, if you are more interactive you have more chances of being healthier and also have a natural way of prevention. This is why it’s told by researchers communication is healthy talking about and expressing your self is the number one way to keep a healthy mind. Even though everything doesn’t have to do with mental health, many things to because it’s the mind that triggers most of what we feel. Most of our thoughts start from our brains. Due to that reason being we need to be careful of how much stress we get involved with if we don’t have a clear mind then it’s not easy to keep good health. Mental health also plays a role on how our body’s digest or how much sleep you get. (Harrington ) For instance have you noticed when you are stressed you don’t get enough sleep or you may be very sleep deprived in this case this is why you can easily see your sleep ruined. Therefore practicing having a goodnight sleep followed by a good meal and also excising can help you maintain good prevention skills too. -Harrington, Anne. The cure within: a history of mind-body medicine. W. W. Norton amp; Company, 2008. Print. Speaking efficiently using positive behaviors to adapt to prevention is a good idea in many ways. One of the most important issues that this deals with is success. In our daily lives, we all strive to reach a goal of success. Having a positive behavior can help prevent you from doing or making bad decisions. Harrington pg 103) This helps since everything revolves around your mind frame and your views. If you don’t have a positive view on what is going on around you, you are likely to not succeed. While people who have the capability, also have a positive mental aspect. As organizations state that statistics show children who are exposed to such behaviors in the future, become very efficient adults. I feel this occurs when children are brought up normally, the caretaker encourages the child to do well. Therefore, that promotes positive thinking, compared to someone who asn’t exposed to such positive remarks can suffer from something such as overwhelming negativity. If negativity takes over then it becomes impossible to succeed, that is why practicing such behavior can help you on a daily basis. It’s not only to be healthy or to resume into a good life, it is also for educational purposes when it comes to ones future. It’s important to focus on ones achievements not their mistakes. Although making mistakes is how you will learn it’s not a good idea to always base it on that one factor. -Harrington, Anne. The cure within: a history of mind-body medicine. W. W. Norton amp; Company, 2008. Print. Other ways to improve health and relieve stress, other than having a good mind and body image is to get the required amount of sleep. Many Americans of this generation don’t get enough sleep. They are so caught up in their personal life that they forget that they also have to take care of themselves. It’s proven fact that a person who gets the required amount of sleep does better and is livelier. It doesn’t matter if they are in a classroom or in a work required environment they will be more awake and less stressed out. However, 8-10 hours of sleep is required to have for a healthy sleep pattern and a good functioning mind. (HELPGUIDE. org) It is also said that this can improve your short term but long term health issues also. Many people don’t seem to get this much amount of sleep. The age group that suffers the most from this is college students and young adults. They try to subside their sleep by either caffeine or sugar. This at the moment would seem like a perfect idea but later on in the long term this can lead to many health issues such as low blood sugar or even diabetes. Having a lot of caffeine in your body isn’t good for you. However, too much of anything is not a great idea. Something like natural sleep can commit wonders, yet people go for superficial things that can cause a lot of harm, or even take a life if done too frequently. According to helpguid. org, its recommend that having a good amount of sleep can increase memory and also decrease the rate of getting into any type of accident. (HELPGUIDE. org) It is told that most morning accidents are caused because people are very sleep deprived and that leads to dangers occurring. Not only are you risking your life but also the lives with who you may be on the road with. Nobody deserves to take the consequences that you have performed because of your own childishness. The more lively a person is, the more tasks he/she will be able to take on during the day, which can decrease stress levels since many things will be managed that wouldn’t have been completed on a normal day without sleep. -How to Sleep Better Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep. HELPGUIDE. org n. pag. Web. 2 Dec 2010. lt;http://helpguide. org/life/sleep_tips. htmgt;. As the years progressed, my attitude has also changed and I have become a different person. My parents always told me that if you lose everything today, the only thing people would be able to judge is my character. My character is shown through my positivity and how I manage my daily stress. Since I have learned to handle things in different ways, I have really changed my lifestyle. My family and friends now describe me as an honest, mature, positive, and a healthy person. For me, to be thought of in such high esteem is a great honor, and I couldn’t see myself doing anything to compromise that honor. Maintaining good character is important to me because I believe it is the basis of your personality. Character affects almost everything in your life from relationships to your career. My positivity has led to me to develop a great human being out of myself and I encourage everyone to do that. To conclude, I strongly feel that having a positive attitude can cure the most uncommon health issues and also reduce the stress levels of an individual. I mainly feel this because many researchers show that people with a good and strong mind are the ones that succeed the most. I also feel that if you don’t believe in yourself then nothing can really help you. Inner power is what gets you furthest then any type of medicine there is. Therefore, I feel that having and practicing positive health by these tips will help a person out tremendously because it’s the smallest step that takes you to big stepping-stones. The first start would be by maintaining a good health such as exercising and having good health habits. All in all negativity should never be embraced because being healthy should be your own priority and you should always think well instead of pushing your self down. Harrington, Anne. The cure within: a history of mind-body medicine. W. W. Norton amp; Company, 2008. Print. (Harrington ) Institute, American. Managing stress. New Readers Pr, 1994. Print. (Institute ) C. , Jonathan. Stress management: a comprehensive handbook of techniques and strategies. Springer Publishing Company, 2002. Print. (C. ) Looker, Terry, and Olga Gregson. Teach Yourself Managing Stress. Teach Yourself, 2007. Print. (Looker, and Gregson ) Stress Management. Health Authority n. pag. Web. 2 Dec 2010. lt; healthauthority. com/stress. htmgt;. (Health Authority) How to Sleep Better Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep. HELPGUIDE. org n. pag. Web. 2 Dec 2010. lt;http://helpguide. org/life/sleep_tips. htmgt;. (HELPGUIDE. org)
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Informative Essay Sample on Agenda Setting Theory in Media
Informative Essay Sample on Agenda Setting Theory in Media According to early proponents of the theory (Marx McCombs and Donald Shaw), the media set the agenda for all discussions in the society based on the Agenda setting theory. Agenda-setting theory proposes that the media is a powerful tool used by the media, to shape public opinion concerning events taking place in society. The media set the agenda for discussion in politics, science, and socio-economic issues. The media have the power to tell the society on the issues that are relevant. The issues may not be necessary to the lives of the citizens at the moment. The media also creates public awareness on certain core issues that affect the society. In most cases, the media and the press does not reflect the reality in the society. The core issues on the press depend on their vital interests concerning certain politicians and socio-economic issues that should be presented to the public. The media and the press ensure that they filter and shape reality based on their own interests or the interest of popular politicians in the society. In particular, the press and the media concentrate on certain issues so that the public can view such issues as more crucial than other issues. Media houses and each press has different abilities in shaping public opinion or setting the agenda. Agenda-setting theory becomes relevant because it assists the public to understand the role of the press and media on politics and other communication systems. The press and the media influences thought patterns of people in the society. The ability to tell people on what to think places the media as a powerful tool manipulated by politicians for their own gain.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Organisational culture and the scandal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Organisational culture and the scandal - Essay Example This was the second write-down due to EDS. HP also revised its restructuring plans and changed the estimates based on the fourth quarter revenues and asserted that the company would be experiencing lower revenues from the software segment due to alleged fraud by Autonomy. HP recorded an estimated $ 8.8 billion write-down in the acquisition. According to the author, the company had made a poor hiring decision after another since it failed to stand behind CEO Mark Hurd who was keen on corporate governance (Saintvilus 2). HP business performance after the exit of Hurd began to fall, and no one could have predicted what his departure would hold for the future of HP. Hurd who is currently a president at a rival company (Oracle) was ousted from the management of HP due to allegations of sexual harassment that were attributed to Jodie Fisher who was an outside contractor. But surprisingly, Jodie Fisher who has appeared in many movies like ‘sheer passion†interestingly expressed sympathy for Hurd’s firing accusing HP of quick and sudden decision. Fisher’s attorney also claimed that the two had no sexual relationship, but the board went ahead to fire Hurd. The board failed in due diligence in the internal investigations since the board rushed the decision without attributing any evidence of managerial misconduct to Hurd (Svensson 3). Hurd had actually steered HP stock performance from $ 21 to $ 42 due to strong strategic leadership, but the share began to fall soon after Hurd’s departure. The share plummeted to a 10-year low of $ 11.35, but the board has been adamant in acknowledging that it made a wrong decision. After Hurd moved to Oracle, HP feared for its survival in the market and started legal wars citing non-compete agreements with Hurd thus leading to more business rivalry that included Oracle’s termination of porting software than runs on HP’s servers that uses Intel’s Itanium chips. The HP segment eroded $ 275 million in revenues. The above HP situation relates to lack of due diligence, corporate ethics and poor corporate culture since the Board has consistently failed in its decisions. Before HP finalized the acquisition, Jim Chanos, a short seller also issued detailed reports highlighting loopholes in Autonomy’s disclosures and financial records. Of particular note is that the entire management did not support the deal since the Chief financial officer who oversaw the acquisition was against the deal. Cathy Lesjak, the CFO had cautioned the management that the acquisition was expensive and was not in the best interests of the company (Wall Street Journal 2012). Organisational culture and the scandal There are many corporate governance requirement and financial reporting requirements that should be followed by all corporations. This means that the board of directors must exercise due diligence when dealing with other stakeholders or when reporting the economic performance of t he company. The management of HP is tasked with safeguarding the welfare of the shareholders who provide capital for the company. The board of directors at HP did not see the need of impartial investigations before acquisition of Autonomy. According to corporate governance issues, stronger companies like HP will acquire other
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Natural Gas Boiler Plant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Natural Gas Boiler Plant - Essay Example Stack gas analysis sought to find the composition of the stack gas, proportion of excess air, the average capacity of stack gas heat, composition of fuel, inlet and outlet temperatures and air to fuel ratio. A gas combustion analyzer was used to achieve this objective together with computation of various equations as follows. A bomb calorimeter could be defined as a device for measuring energy which combusts a specified amount of fuel in excessive air, comparing it to a baseline fuel which is of known calorific value. This would be achieved by measuring the change in temperature after a settling time in a given quantity of water. From this, the fuel calorific value would be computed from the ratio difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures. Determining the overall efficiency of the natural gas boiler called for arranging the collected information numerically. Efficiency was first determined using the input vs. output method. In this method, the energy input into the boiler (making use of fuel mass flow rate and calorific value) and that output from the boiler (making use of steam and feed water enthalpies and steam mass flow rate) would be compared. This method yields equation (ii). Alternatively, the efficiency of the boiler could be determined through the heat loss method. This has two major components: the first employs stack gas heat capacity together with the input and output temperatures; while the second uses the heat lost through radiation and convection. Equation (iii) represents this method. After weighing the fuel, it would be placed inside a crucible. This would then be dipped into an oxygen-filled bomb under a pressure of about 35 atmospheres. This bomb would then be placed into a container with predetermined amount of water. This container would then be placed inside a jacket. The impellor on the lid of the jacket ensures that heat is evenly distributed throughout the water while the thermometer
Thursday, October 31, 2019
14 Principles of the Toyota Way (Toyota Production Systems) Thesis
14 Principles of the Toyota Way (Toyota Production Systems) - Thesis Example Corporation is the world’s largest automaker and the high quality ratings for its vehicles are a result of very few defects found in them in comparison to any other competitors. Across all its production facilities throughout the world, Toyota has been known to raise the bar for maintaining quality and efficiency in a consistent fashion thereby bringing in a sense of excellence into manufacturing, procedures and product development. The result of this management strategy has been its steady rise into amassing a market share and revenue margin to such an extent that saw it making a larger profit than every other major automaker in addition to gaining the respect, admiration and praise of every business leader and management expert around the world (Jeffrey Liker, 2004). The ‘Toyota way’ is a management philosophy that revolves around a set of management principles followed by Toyota that are known to have contributed to the enhancement of its reputation the world over in terms of reliability and quality. These management principles are collectively used under the ‘Toyota production system’ also known as ‘Lean production’ (Michael Hoseus, 2007). The purpose of such a production system is aimed at improving the speed with which business processes are executed, provide more quality in the product or service, reduce the cost of operation and management and achieve all this irrespective of the industry where such a management system has been adopted. The Toyota Production System is one of the foundational principles which is a part of the corporate culture within the Toyota group. Over the years, the system has evolved into a paradigm par excellence for the manufacturing world and has transformed the prospects for several industries. The approach has helped foster better involvement from the employees across all levels of the organization and has provided a tangible oversight over the seemingly visible different between the traditional approaches to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 †A Book Analysis Essay Example for Free
Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 – A Book Analysis Essay In his book, Fahrenheit 451, author Ray Bradbury highlights the power and importance of obtaining knowledge through books but decries the impact that technological innovations, particularly the television, pose in stifling intellectual and creative development. As a science fiction book that was first printed in 1953, many readers particularly literary critics and students correlate the book to state censorship and subsequent cultural decay presaging the eras following the book’s publication. Indeed, it can be easily gleaned from the main character’s occupation as a book-burning fireman that the book burning per se may be emblematic of  a common situation that most societies have found themselves grappling with – specific stages in nations’ histories whereby basic inalienable rights and freedoms were suppressed. Literary censorship, in particular, has been a recurring theme in many great works of literature. In real life, censorship is something that most governments have resorted to for varied reasons other than as a means of quelling what they categorize as rebellion or insurrection, and in almost every instance, books that echo the sentiments of many great nationalists or radical-thinking individuals have borne the brunt of censorship laws. Some analysts point out that in Ray Bradbury’s book, Fahrenheit 451, â€Å"The book burning is not a government mandated censorship Instead, it is a society-built degradation of the written word. Society has rejected the black and white messages bound in leather and paper†(Przybyszewski).  The author himself does not dispute this observation. Whether it is art imitating reality or the other way around, Fahrenheit 451 is a successful attempt in making readers including those who got to read the book generations after its initial publication ponder on key social and political issues like censorship, even if the author himself had clarified that his novel â€Å"is actually about how television destroys interest in reading literature†(Oleck, par. 1). A lover of the written word, Ray Bradbury hails from humble beginnings in Illinois, which set the stage for his profound yet realistic insights, searing views and cunning overall approach to his subject matter. He was born on August 22, 1920 in Waukegan, Illinois; studied in a Los Angeles High School in 1938, and furthered his education by working nights in the library and pounding away at  typewriter keys and selling newspapers in Los Angeles by day (â€Å"Ray Bradbury Biography†). It can be noted that Fahrenheit 451, in many ways, pays homage to Bradbury’s Waukegan hometown. It is in this locality that he developed an enormous and lasting appetite for books and a love for libraries, something which is continually described in his book. As Bradbury himself narrates: From the time I was 9 up through my teens I spent at least two nights a week in the       town library in Waukegan, Ill. In the summer months, there was hardly a day I could      not be found lurking about the stacks, smelling the books like imported spices, drunk       on them even before I read them (Moran). Based on the author’s personal narrative, one clearly sees how he obtained the characteristic ease in describing to readers a well-stacked library, and how he skillfully let some of his characters express forceful sentiments about books not just as a storehouse of knowledge and cultural heritage of nations, but as instruments to guide man in living and making decisions about the future. Ray Bradbury’s Waukegan roots likewise armed him with first-hand knowledge and distinct style of writing about a specific subject matter as firefighters. As another writer gathering from Ray Bradbury’s musings in writing Fahrenheit 451: Bradburys wary respect for fire can be traced back to his Waukegan youth, where he    would pass the firehouse on his way to and from the Carnegie Library and end up           writing down his descriptions (Moran). Ray Bradbury’s remarkable style is indeed something which has not escaped discerning book readers and analysts. â€Å"While a lesser writer would have to content himself with beating the reader over the head with description and exposition, Bradbury is able to make his nightmare world real with economy and subtlety. The horror never grabs you by the throat as in a Stephen King novel; instead it creeps into your soul almost unnoticed†(Wright). Content-wise, what American writer Ray Bradbury sought to impress on his readers is the fact that humanity stands to be strangled by the very forces – or trappings of modern living  that had originally been conceived to make life better. Bradbury makes a very good point in singling out television as the piece of equipment that most people have been overly relying on, and it comes at a very huge price: a stifled intellectual development. Indeed, of all the new modern conveniences or gadgetry the world has ever seen, one medium of communications which remains all-powerful or influential to minds and attitudes of people of all ages is the television. It is evident that Bradbury possessed remarkable foresight in ascertaining early on that people are bound to be enslaved. One of many insightful reviews about Ray Bradbury and his book states: Bradburys novel  or novella, really  is an inspired criticism of what we now call     the information society, and the yawning chasm it is creating in our collective soul.         In it he managed to predict with frightening accuracy such current social pathologies           as the dumbing down of popular entertainment and education, our growing addiction    to empty sensory stimulation, the rise of random violence among youth, the increasing anomie and alienation among everyone (Wright). Indeed, it takes a meticulous eye attuned to his surroundings for a writer to realistically depict current real-life situations as well as future scenarios. One important point that Ray Bradbury stressed in Fahrenheit 451 is that most of the time, people’s enslavement, whether by societal forces or modern technological advances, do occur from their own volition or free will. â€Å"It’s ordinary people who turn away from reading and the habits of thought and reflection it encourages. When the government starts actively censoring information, most people don’t even bat an eye†(Bradbury 183). It is true, of course, that in the present society, there are many cases of jaded individuals – especially ordinary citizens who wield little or no power to go against the powers-that-be – who initially protest but end up allowing circumstances like government restraints on media/information to prevail or take place.  It is, however, an inescapable fact that many freedoms, like free speech and expression of ideas through books, are not absolute. This is something that advocates of censorship keep harping on. Introspection will show that in many ways, people, during these increasingly complex times and informational bombardment, do succumb or let government impose controls as the latter may deem morally and socially and politically fit. In doing so, it becomes a clear case of the antagonist turning into an ally. In societies which do a good job of balancing interests and rights, this may be permissible. There are, however, exceptions to the rule. There are people may rant and do nothing, but there are some individuals who even band together to form a coalition or cause-oriented group/association to bat for what they perceive as just. To their minds, the words of 18th century political theorist and philosopher Edmund Burke, of letting evil triumph if good men do nothing, may be ringing loud and clear. Reverting to the other main issue tackled by the book, which is the tendency of people to allow themselves to be enslaved by new technology and turn away from the many virtues of reading books, this is a universal problem pervading modern societies today. Ray Bradbury may have crafted decades ago a concise book about a dystopian society, but its message reverberates up to the present age, when gadget-toting new generations turn to books only when school requires them to, or when a bestselling book-turned-movie or escapist adult novels catch their fancy. In effect, the firemen’s task of burning books in the novel is actually a metaphor for the way a society’s citizens allow themselves, or their knowledge and future, to be stunted. â€Å"The firemen are rarely necessary. The public itself stopped reading of its own accord†(Bradbury 87).
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